SoftBlue / SoftBlack - Watchfaces

This is my first COMPLETED watchface
I hope someone enjoys it…

It has::

  • Temperature
  • Heart rate
  • Step Count
  • Battery circular animation
  • And it show the time, day and weekday

Version PT (weekdays in portuguese)
SoftBlue PT


Version EN (weekdays in english)
SoftBlue EN


Version FR (weekdays in french [translated by Google :slight_smile: ])
SoftBlue FR



Version PT (weekdays in portuguese)
SoftBlack PT


Version EN (weekdays in english)
SoftBlack EN

It was made for the Stock Launcher.
It works fine on my Finow X7
Hope i didn´t step on any rules.


Whoa! very cool!! Love the colour combo


Great first effort :+1::+1:. Good job

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Softblue french version
Please please ?

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no problem
i´ll uploaded soon


@Rui_Iria very nice :watch:face :100:

Maybe a Black and Gray version? If you have time

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if this is your first, pls make more of anything you want

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Seems a good idea. I´ll try it


My first completed… i have a very large graveyard of watchfaces pieces, some failed and some other i just lost inspiration…

Still, i really would like to understand better the array stuff :slight_smile:
Weirdly can´t find anywhere a complete guide on this drawables…
For example:

  • Text can be used? How?
  • What are the all the arrays supported on that battery indicator that i used?
    I found out that “58” is for the battery, and there is for steps and distance, but is there more?
  • Also in my very firts attempt i tried to have an animation that during the daytime would show a sun and on the nighttime would show a moon… i failed miserably… It didn´t had to be exact with sunrise and sunset, just that every 12 hours changed from one the other… not even that i could do… Couldn´t match the rotate tag with what i wanted…

I feel there is a lot here that can be explored, i just can´t get the info that want…
This watchface is sort a rehearsel. Not even a great one… Glad some of you liked it… :slight_smile:

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@gamilaya Uploaded. Hope you enjoy it :slight_smile:

THANKS love it

Something like this?



much appreciated
You are a absolute genius

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Sunset: no
Sunrise: no
Day of the year: no
Week of year: no
If you use Stocklauncher, there are Arraytypes for c°/f° switch, mlles/km switch and calories.

Check this post:Array Types for Watchfaces (Calories, Distance, etc.)


@Rui_Iria Yes sir again thank you for your time. Only can you include English version too.

@G1NT0N1C @Mark2
Thanks. Now i just feel dumb…
There´s a lot there, still is missing:

<!-- steps -->

<!-- distance -->

<!-- battery -->

Got that from a Kospet watchface.
Also what is “arc”?
And a GIF array? That´s nice… unexpected, but nice!

I understand that it is all related to what the stock laucher supports regarding arrays, and i just haven´t convinced myself to root the watch, yet…

By the way, translate this for me, please:


a) 1 hour rotation times 3 (?) the object wil complete 3 rotations in 1 hour
b) 1 hour rotation divided by 3 (?!?!) The object will take 3 hours to complete a rotation
c) none of the above, and i just don´t get it

Thanks for the tips :slight_smile:

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Ok, i´ll upload it soon

Thanks for your feedback, it really looks very nice in those darker colors :+1:

UPDATE: Done :slight_smile:

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Have a look at this its a great guide for touch icons . Read carefully :+1:

Array 62 is also good for using moving .gif files without the need of universal launcher . It pretty easy . Make a watch with animation as you would with WFD . Save it when completed as you normall would before transfering to watch . You now need to open .xml file in your clockskin like the watch face i will post below . Again look inside MY .xml file and copy the additional lines of code into yours . Look for the lines above " frame rate " . Make sure the postions of x and y in your clocksin match the new lines of x and y that you have just added .

A word of warning when using this method without universal launcher . If the .gif file is too big ( ie two many images ) you run the risk of bricking your watch ! . I have done this twice and recovered it .

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+Rui_Iria thank you it looks great on my Kospet Prime SE. Keep up the great work and look forward to your next creation.

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