My first completed… i have a very large graveyard of watchfaces pieces, some failed and some other i just lost inspiration…
Still, i really would like to understand better the array stuff
Weirdly can´t find anywhere a complete guide on this drawables…
For example:
Text can be used? How?
What are the all the arrays supported on that battery indicator that i used?
I found out that “58” is for the battery, and there is for steps and distance, but is there more?
Also in my very firts attempt i tried to have an animation that during the daytime would show a sun and on the nighttime would show a moon… i failed miserably… It didn´t had to be exact with sunrise and sunset, just that every 12 hours changed from one the other… not even that i could do… Couldn´t match the rotate tag with what i wanted…
I feel there is a lot here that can be explored, i just can´t get the info that want…
This watchface is sort a rehearsel. Not even a great one… Glad some of you liked it…
Sunset: no
Sunrise: no
Day of the year: no
Week of year: no
If you use Stocklauncher, there are Arraytypes for c°/f° switch, mlles/km switch and calories.
Got that from a Kospet watchface.
Also what is “arc”?
And a GIF array? That´s nice… unexpected, but nice!
I understand that it is all related to what the stock laucher supports regarding arrays, and i just haven´t convinced myself to root the watch, yet…
By the way, translate this for me, please:
<rotate>1</rotate> <mulrotate>3</mulrotate>
a) 1 hour rotation times 3 (?) the object wil complete 3 rotations in 1 hour
b) 1 hour rotation divided by 3 (?!?!) The object will take 3 hours to complete a rotation
c) none of the above, and i just don´t get it
Have a look at this its a great guide for touch icons . Read carefully
Array 62 is also good for using moving .gif files without the need of universal launcher . It pretty easy . Make a watch with animation as you would with WFD . Save it when completed as you normall would before transfering to watch . You now need to open .xml file in your clockskin like the watch face i will post below . Again look inside MY .xml file and copy the additional lines of code into yours . Look for the lines above " frame rate " . Make sure the postions of x and y in your clocksin match the new lines of x and y that you have just added .
A word of warning when using this method without universal launcher . If the .gif file is too big ( ie two many images ) you run the risk of bricking your watch ! . I have done this twice and recovered it .