Array Types for Watchfaces (Calories, Distance, etc.)

List as of now:

1 yearmonthday (YYYY/MM/DD)

2 monthday

3 month

4 day

5 weekday

6 hourminute

7 hour

8 minute

9 second

10 weather

11 temperature

12 steps

13 heartrate

14 battery level

16 year

17 battery arc

18 arc steps

19 moon phase

54 kcal

60 distance

69 bluetooth

70 GPS

71 Wifi

73 quitemode on/off

62 for GIFs on stocklauncher

97 Pedometer text

98 Heart rate text

99 charging battery icon

100 Tap Action

101 Year Month Day (YY/MM/DD)

1001 distance

1002 distance unit (0=KM, 1=miles)

1011 temp unit (0=C, 1=F)

thanks to @G1NT0N1C

2020.03.26: 62 added by G1NT0N1C