International firmware - update from SD Card (No FlashTools) - for KOSPET Prime 2 updated 2021.06.26

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Difficulties upgrading

Little info on the battery, if it can be useful. At 9:00 am 100% battery, at 7:00 pm 50% battery. Smartwatch with active bluetooth connected to the smartphone, active 4g data. I received notifications from watchdroid all day, listened to music with Spotify from my smartwatch with bluetooth earphones and made couple of calls of a few minutes. I did what I wanted to do without bothering to save battery. Gentlemen this is the Prime 2 :grin:, I am very satisfied. I just wanted to ask, if it was possible maybe with the next update, if you could fix the upside-down image in WhatsApp calls.

It was planned to move the camera switch toggle to the powermenu, but this was not received very well.
For now the camera will be changed back to ‘selfie mode’ until there is a better solution available.


Maybe it could be done by making a second, virtual camera, so that the individual apps can decide for themselves if it is to be in selfie mode or main camera mode


I was very exited about the camera flip toggle but if not now :[

A post was merged into an existing topic: Difficulties upgrading

I really dont want to come across as negative here especially because of all the hard work that is done for all the community and this site has made my watch worth using.

But originally when the new firmware came out as i have stated in previous topics the flashing process was a bit confusing to say the least.

Then the newer firmware was released that didnt need a flash tool but you needed to be on the older that 2.1 firmware that most would have taken.

Now the version released can be flashed over 2.1 you are saying that because of lack of feedback this will probably be abandoned and so anyone with this firmware wont be able to use the official OTA unless flashed back to an official release again

So just as i was waiting to try this there seems to be no point.

Sorry to hear that as i was looking forward to trying this firmware out but because of this i like many wont do it if its not going to be developed.

I dont know what they expected us to say but anything that makes the watch better is welcomed and should not need wide community feedback if thats what it does.

In honesty if this firmware is the way forward then everyone needs to get behind it from the mods to the users , that means a commitment to it and easy to use guides for it from the start.

Also what feedback do you need ? most will say they love it and its an improvement, every post i have read on here from who has tried it says the same , so by popular consensus its good

If you need specific feedback then if there are no major issues then you wont get any as people only ever write on forums usually when they have an issue.
You rarely hear how good a product is but you always know when it has problems

So please let us all know what you need us to do , flash the firmware obviously but what specific feedback do you need other than its great ?

The feedback from the community was excellent and also very helpful. The lack of quality was not lacking, but quantity. But this is not a reproach. We would have liked to have reached more users than we actually reached. I don’t think this project failed. I would want to consider it a startup problem.

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If I understand you correctly, you are basically saying that you would rather use an inferior firmware that is likely to see some improvement rather than a superior firmware that might not see any improvement. I don’t see why anyone would think this way. How can the likeliness of future updates be more important than the actual quality of the firmware?

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Wow thats so far from what i said ?

But taking that point why would anyone ever move from Windows XP to any other version if XP was just as good as they needed, Or why bother with a custom rom version of android on a phone ?, Its because however the firmware is now updates always bring improvements whether that is on the current OS or even updating to a newer OS and eventually hoping to bring new and better features.

I would rather have the FAW firmware and have that updated but if its a choice between a firmware that yes may work better now but could have issues that will then never be fixed due to the fact its not active or a firmware that will get regular updates and features then i would have to choose the latter.

I was hoping that i came across as constructive in that i wanted to know what we needed to do to make this work and make it clear why i think it wasnt working at the moment, so i think you missed the point completely.

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Another one testing this firmware. So far so good! This is way better than the stock firmware.


Good news! Thank you for the feedback! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Great news . Thankyou for the feedback

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I will take the time and flash it this weekend

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I understand what you mean, if this project is going to be canceled we will prepare a stock rom ota package, that will allow you to flash back to the original V1.4 firmware.

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I sincerely hope that the international FAW project will not be canceled. At the moment I would never go back to the stock version. I wanted to expose my experience to those who had doubts about this firmware: google services work perfectly, the weather app finally has no problems, much clearer menus and settings, double tap to wake up the smartwatch, improved battery life, address book, messages and file manager are now clearer and easier to manage, the apps I downloaded work fine. The only flaw (as I said in some comments) are video calls, but luckily for me they are not a big problem. Guys don’t give up, a huge step forward has been made, keep it up :muscle:


Developers say numbers of feedback is important, so I post this. I hope it helps.

Now I’m using “FAW-PRIME2-V1.0” for 2days. It will need long time to find problems about the FAW firmware, but I can feedback no-problem things now.


  1. Macro tool “Automate” works completely. Dialog clash is happen in stok firmware. So I can use all feature (in my cace) of the macro tool. I feel happy.

  2. (Unless Its my fault) I guess “rise on screen” in display setting don’t work. In “wiite.home”, the button of “screen on rising” work.

  3. Auto update of “” works completely with SIM card. But I think the feature don’t work with Wifi.

  4. KP2 gets the longer battery life than Kospet Prime1. I think stok firmware of KP2 has a problem of wasting power in bluetooth. So I used KP2 without BT, but now I can use the BT.



@111106 this is how to use the weather without a sim

Thank you for reply. I will try it! Thank you.

Hello everybody. I just received my Prime2 and looking at current version of installed firmware i have D09_KOSPET_PRIME2_V2.0_20210505…is this version compatible with your firmware? I’m askin because everybody here talking about 1.4 version as base to start updating from… so i’m not sure if this is OK…Tank you vary much.