Watchface Designer

I think I have worked on something similar of sort when working with a weekday panel that illuminates on corresponding day. Thanks for the hint.

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How to add utc time in wfd

Accidentally rewrote an existing xml file with another. Is it possible to retrieve the xml from the exported zip file?

I don’t think so. WFD combines image files when they are compressed, so the original .xml file is lost. :grimacing:

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LOLZ! I’m copying that!!!
(ps maybe eric chrocemore will have a better answer for you)

No you cannot . Sorry :pensive:


OOps… I meant Marco Ferrario not Eric SORRY!

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Utc is not supported

Sure, the xml are exported in the zip.

Yes, but they are altered somewhat aren’t they?
I know… PPPffftttttt. (I am an idiot):roll_eyes:

I am an idiot too and the there are many. Xmls in the zip.

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Yes, but they are altered to match the newly combined images I think.


It is but you cannot load the one in the zip back into WFD . However you can alter the .xml file as i have done today adding things like array 100

Alright restored by now. But I was wondering what does the "Image List " drop down list do?

Marco - WFD runs out of memory and crashes when designing a fairly big animation (60 images). Is there any way to increase its memory?

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60 IMAGES? :open_mouth:

It happens when you use animation ( . Gif files )

Tim’s right… One image for each minute…

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