Universal Launcher [Ver. 3.x and above]

Notifications still on left part of the screen, rather than using the whole screen area.
WhatsApp notification background still so dark that the black text can’t be read.
Can we change the background ourselves ?

And with more signal (I live in bad coverage)

And strangely, if I press the data button I get this:

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Sorry, but I missed somewhere. What are the A65 and A66?

AT65 is AM/PM, AT66 is step percent.


thanks for informations

Now that’s some funny sheit right there! :rofl:

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You’re welcome! Thank YOU for all your hard work!!!

Normally, it means your SIM is not in a “READY” state : bad pin code, no sim, or whatever…
For notification background, you can use the high contrast mode which remove the background. You can’t put your own background. But if you have some interesting background i can take them, just give me the links…

Yes, but the strange thing is that I was on the network, and I could make calls. Also when switching to standard launcher, I could use the similar data on/off without any issue.

I confirm that UL doesn’t work correctly on Prime 2. You can use the beta i’ve published, but watchmaker skins with shading will crash. Also, creating widget will not work.
About the notification size, it’s a problem of DPI, just use the 180 DPI in UL settings and it’s ok.

New 3.4.1 version (same link) seems to work on Prime 2.


New beta version 3.4.2 : it solves the autorisation issues at first run on Android 10.


Thank you Eric :clap:

Working great so far. Thanks!

After a few hours of 3.4.2 test (I come from 3.4 version) :

.watch watchfaces are now working with no apparent problem… but only for ten or fifteen minutes!
After that I have… REBOOT.
I tried with very simple watchfaces.

Xml based watchfaces in a folder with no subfolder seem to be working without a problem for now.
No reboot, no UL crash.

Nice evolution from 3.4 version for me and my goal to have all my watchfaces from Prime working flawlessly.

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It looks like step count isn’t updated in A10.
There is one permission which has not been requested and it seems I can’t grant it when not requested:
Physical activity

But it does have granted the body sensors.

Does anyone else with A10 have the step count different than 0 in UL faces ?

Isn’t it the battery cleaner ? It works on Prime 2 without problem.

It works on Prime 2, but i have observed that it does not on the new Ticwris Max S. Maybe something different in the FW ?

I have a Prime 2 which stays step count on zero.
All permissions granted and excluded from battery Optimizer in the “Optimization” app.

if you have checked on several skins, i have no idea why it would not work.

Is there a certain watchface which you can confirm is working, then I will try that one :ok_hand:

It doesn’t work for me either. I think it was working in 3.4, but none of the betas.