Universal Launcher [Ver. 3.x and above]

All faces should work more or less the same…

I tested several different. None of them shows step count. I have the widget from health active, and that shows the steps, but none of the watch faces does…

It’s a reboot of the Prime 2 not only a crash of UL…
I disabled the cleaner, Battery manager is off, Battery saver is off.

I ran OTA version 1.4 of the Prime 2 system.

Dude! Your avatar! lolololololol!

Yes, I also noticed an watch reboot today, while using UL. But who’s to say what caused it. Haven’t noticed any with STD launcher though.

Wanna play fetch, warf, warf ?

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3.4.2 beta is updated, it may solve the pedometer issue…


Now it asked for access to my Physical activity, and steps have a number. Not the same number though that the health widget, but nice :slight_smile:

Ouch - about one minute and then watch reboot …

Reboot ? a launcher can’t reboot a watch…

Well, that’s what happened, just like it did for an other user I read I think in this thread.
It might be you call some code in the watch OS which is sensitive and makes a pointer error or whatever…
Of course it could also just be a coincidence…

Android is linux based, you can’t reboot a linux OS easily…

Well, a fault in the kernel, which I agree should be seldom, will make it reboot.
But are you telling me that you don’t believe the watch rebooted while I watched the whole boot sequence ?

No i’m just telling that a normal application like the launcher can’t reboot a linux system. So it’s probably a problem in the system itself.

I understand that, but it may trigger a reboot by calling a shaky function in the kernel. But as I said it could also be something else that triggered it :slightly_smiling_face:

I think the notification backgrounds have changed, this one is cool :smiley:

Thank you :ok_hand:

Oh, yeah, a launcher can reboot a watch! A Prime 2 at least…

I’ve got this problem with UL 3.4 rebooting the watch after a few seconds or a few minutes for .watch watchfaces or xml watchfaces too.
Sometimes UL only crashes but often it reboots the Prime 2.

With UL 3.4.2 the crashes took a little longer to happen but were still there.
Note that watchfaces crashing UL work flawlessly on the original launcher (xml watchfaces in this case of course)
The crashes or reboot didn’t seem to depend on a specific watchface. Even very simple watchfaces dit it.

I then tried to uninstall UL 3.4.2 to have it clean reinstalled (Instead of updating).
It really makes a difference.
Now I can have hours of .watch watchfaces without a problem.
BUT there are still reboots from time to time so the fix isn’t complete. (I’m now running UL 3.4.2 that was updated today to fix the stepcount bug)

If you see crash file in the root of sdcard, you can send it to me.

I saw one, will do.

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Thanks, very interesting. It seems related to this :.


A problem with the os and probably an app, but not mine…

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Ok, great because that article you found has a solution :ok_hand: