The Kospet PRIME Official post

That is surprising that it’s ok.
Watch faces are ok?
You use a separate app for the faces?

They say after testing the watch,they can’t repaire it.They send me back one used,but not my original one.And after all,i need the watch,because i love it,the screen size,the form,the battery life,all what i need.I send my watch to spain for repair,and i think the watch they send me,too somewhere from europe,not from china.Because now order something from china…my girlfriend order a glass protector film for xiaomi,and they say majus…not 1-2 week,…majus.
Look,i have no pain,because ok,i paid 150usd for watch,but its not a 1million dollar,and second,if the whole story goes to the wrong direction for my solution,tooday we have a weapon to fight with this,like facebook,instagram,etc.

Thanks,when my watch arrive,i go back to this question.But if i can customize what i want,i can delete a lot of apps,which was originally on the watch,not?For example,if i want just the phone funktion,i can setup just this app,and hold the watch empty,not?
But in the real life,pablo11,Roberto_Gasdia,and other,who use not factory launchers,for example,what was you changed with aftermarket launcher,which thing you can’t in the factory ones?Thanks

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No worries.
I’m glad you got it sorted out :+1:

Yeah cause I don’t need fancy watch faces, I’ve installed an app widget for the time and one for the weather.
The rest of the apps wouldn’t behave differently if I had a different launcher, google keep for instance is always going to be unusable in a round watch.

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nova launcher allows me to decide in every screen what icons go where, I can group icons in folders, or have a whole screen with my daily appointments (with calendar widget).
In the end I find it much more flexible than current launchers, but of course I’m keeping an eye on all of them

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Thanks for information.
If its help someone,i have used a rowkin earbuds with my watches,work great,but the procedure for use,its a little complicated.Take out the buds from the powerbank,push on button,on the watch search the rowkin,and push on connecting.
A week ago my airpods(the 1. version with longer stick) clone arrived from australia,which 99.99% like the original apple one.What was unbelievable for me,if you once paired the buds witn your phone,and have a incoming call,or you speak with someone under the call,and open the buds box,pull out the bud,and you are putting it in into your ear(we speak about 2-3sec.).The buds connect automatically,and you do not feel the transition.Fantastic product.In the garden a good 30m distance,indoor 9.5m accross 2 walls(30cm,38cm brick ones).
Whatever you choose,original apple,or clone ones,believe me its fantastic product.Its my experience.Thank You.

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Nova launcher is very fine for my Prime.
Just a problem: how do you receive notifications with Nova installed ?

Thx !

In my setup I see them swiping down from any screen (I have watchdroid installed, which feeds phone notifications to the watch)

Dont forget,i use just the watch,without phone(slowly 2 years now…)

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Thank you, @Roberto_Gasdia

I use my watch like @nlb, without any sync with phone. Only in case of sending file for example.
So, its not so easy with Nova and notif. I searched for a third part app, but…

I’ve never tried to use the watch with a sim, but I don’t see why the notification system would not work the same

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Yes, I think the same, but apparently, with Nova, there’s no notification page raising or pop-up, or something else.
I would have wrong.

maybe make a brief vid of your setup ?
to provide clarity to the community

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sure, here is my current setup, very likely to change but just to give an idea.


Ciao, guardando il video mi pare di capire che hai whatchdroid installato…o mi sbaglio? Io uso il Prime solo in standalone mode ma con solo la connessione mobile attiva ( la batteria si scarica veloce…max 8 ore, tu che autonomia raggiungi? Grazie.

Thx @Roberto_Gasdia !

It should be fine if the panel setting by swiping down could work on square mode. We could see all toggles, and clearly the notifications.

Ciao, lo uso anche in modalità standalone, 8 ore sono molto brevi. Mi ci vogliono 2 giorni. Certo, dipende anche da quanto chiami e scrivi.

Interesting.Some app dont work properly in both.My favorite calculator app on padfone work properly,but in watch i must change from round to square,than again to round ,to see the = and 0 caracters.The aftermarket call app too.In one mode dont see back/delete icon,in other cant see the number board icon…and i hope the nova,or Eric launcher solve this for me…

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Yes, exactly this inconvenient.