The Genesis - from Kronos Blade

Yes it is a hardware issue.
Most commonly caused by knocking the watch against something or dropping it.
A sharp knock is the most common cause.

Unfortunately, since the device is no longer available it is harder to get fixed.

You might try sending an email to the place where you purchased it and hope they have a warranty more than 6 months.

Otherwise you may possibly be unable to get it fixed :confused:

You can always contact Jason (Kronos Blade) through his website or through email addresses in posts in this thread.

But, it still may not be possible to access the factory that made them.
I am really not sure :frowning:


Thanks Pablo11,
I will contact Jason via mail.

One ofMine did this also but I know i hit my door knob walking past it and interesting enough in the sun it is hardly noticeable and since I use it mostly outdoors it wasn’t too hard to deal with.



Hey how’d you get your icons to look like that?

Probably by using Nova launcher or similar

Nova launcher


How did you make it possible to draw down the notifications panel from the top in Nova Launcher ?
And the battery widget ?

I think he uses this app:

And with this application you can even add the notification bar at the top but I don’t know if it works on a round smartwatch I only tried on squares:

I have used these apps with Nova launcher like this my Finow Q1 Pro has software that looks like a real smartphone:


If you pay for the pro version of nova launcher it has a notification panel built into it. But I end up using power shade is the notification drawer I use

The battery widget is this one tho there are lots of them that all work well


Can we display a watchface, while using Nova Launcher ?

I think @Eric_Crochemore has a solution for this

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@pablo11 is right. You can use this app, created by @Eric_Crochemore:


It may need an upgrade to Android 10 then, or I need more guidance, what I do:

  • long press background
  • select live wallpaper
  • I can choose between 2, I think one of them is the UL, and the other may be the wallpaper app.
    Both gives an error of app not found, when I try to select them…
    Screenshot_20201206-222013 Screenshot_20201206-222021

You may want to try universal launcher it is kind of halfway in between you can run watch face with widgets

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Wallpaper are not working on our watches.

@Eric_Crochemore A10 watches?

There’s nothing new here. To make a standard wallpaper app work on any of our watches, you have to modify the system. I have not tried on A10 watches yet.

Yes, that’s why I asked.
I did not think anything had changed

Cannot modify system on Android 10 watches. Because it is encrypted with DM_VERITY


I was so sad seeing the black lines on my display. Unfortunately Jason did not answer to my mail. I accepted it as an accident and try to make watchfaces with a black background, where you can’t see the lines and it works for me.
But now : approx. 4-5 weeks later : the black lines are gone. What has happend ? Something like self-healing ?? I don’t know how something like this can happen but I am very happy.
Does someone have any explanations on this ??