Possible fragility of the backside of the shell?

If I want to buy a Lem T now how can I tell if it has the new backside shell ?

…if it doesn’t break . Just kidding. I’ll see myself out now.


Hi everybody,
is there any of you who bought the Lem-T on ebay?
If yes, have you received the new backside?
I am about to resign myself because trying to get answers from Lemfo is practically impossible (the first email sent is 08/10/2019 and to date, last email 14/01/2020, I have not yet managed to obtain the number of tracking, let alone the backside).
Below you will find the history of the emails written with Lemfo to try to get the new backside (which, as you will read, they proposed to me).
I leave to you all every single judgment on how Lemfo responds.

From my experience a little bit further up this thread, I found that they will not give you tracking number unless they have actually shipped it. The customer care at LEMFO on AliExpress kept assuring me that it had been shipped… but it hadn’t really.

They stall you because they do not like to lose face and admit they have been unable to source the new back case. They should be able to source it… keep hassling them. Get the mods on here to try help you out as well.

Hi Gianluca,
After months of patience, I finally got a new backside a few days ago (Product bought on Banggood). Please note that I have never had any mail / reply from Lemfo.
I see no difference with the old one, but anyway I’m happy enough, the replacement happened without problem.
My bet is that you are eventually going to receive a new one, one day, in your mailbox.
Just be patient & relax :wink:

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How about it, will it be the revised and corrected version of our LemT?


Hi . We will not be supporting this watch

I too have a LEM T with the back cover coming apart. It was from Banggood, so I’ve contacted them for replacement .

Any recommendations?

I bough mine on Banggood as well. I have had to wait some months but I eventualy got one in replacement. So be patient :slight_smile:

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Just so you all know… These are all the exact same watch and all made in the same factory.
They just have different brand names.
Hardware is 100% exactly the same.

Good morning guys, it won’t come to me anymore … Of course the back case.
I understand all the problems of this period (and this is also why I have lost all hope of receiving it) but now Lemfo no longer answers me.
It ‘s from September 2019 that I bought the Lem T and it’ s from October 2019 that it 's inside its case without being able to use it.
Having said that, can anyone point me to a link where to buy it?


The only place I know of where you can order replacement parts for the LEMFO LEM T is the LEMFO store as part of AliExpress.

See this link https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000382547437.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.122c4c4dzehH3I

Good luck. I’ve been trying for months to get them to ship. Still waiting.


Hi, thanks for the link, but it is not clear what the object is for sale (it speaks of the strap, but from the users’ photos I also saw the back case). I sent a request and now let’s see what they answer me. Thanks for your recommendation.


Ok, they replied and I understand how it works.
You contact them by telling them what you need.
They reply by telling you if available and at what price.
To buy you have to put the quantity needed to reach the agreed amount and insert in the notes which object you are buying.
Order placed ($ 10 shipped).
Now I cross my fingers and wait.
Thanks again for the help.


Well guys, today I got the new back cover. I confess that as soon as I saw it I thought that I would have suffered the same problem because, at first glance, they are exactly identical.

But then, analyzing it well, I understood where the difference is.
They reinforced the screw seat by increasing the thickness of the folder.
This can be seen from the images below.
Now I mount it and then I will let you know if the problem is actually solved or not.
The only regret is that I had to pay the back cove, me if everything works, then it should be so bese.


hello fello watch users im in need of the lemt watch band to use as a extention cause i have a large wrist the band doesnt fit comfortable and im willing to buy it from anyone selling the side with the buckle contact me mavrykjones@yahoo.com

so i have to go to the link and sign in to ask the question of buying strap? then order so many to get them to sell it to me? i just wanna understand how to do it like u did to get what i pay for and not be ordering something else

you wont be ordering anything at all unless you tell them what you are ordering

thanks for the info, i actually messaged them about that order before i placed it and they replied back with how to get it and how much it was then i asked how long should it take to receive and they said 30-90 days lol wow well either way order placed… i did also ask about back cover/case and they said they didnt sell em ( not really sure if that meant they had none to sell at that moment) but at least bands are available

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ok i have the same cracked back cover as some of you.
I contacted the Lemfo Stores on Ali and ebay. But nothing!
On ebay they sold me 3 of the Back Covers and newer arrived here, somkind of dissapointment right now. But maybe Pablo11 has any Idea how to get some Covers.
Please help! I like the Watch and would like to use it a bit longer than a year.