Possible fragility of the backside of the shell?

Did you use the contact email address that I have posted here on the forum several times? It depends on where you purchased it from.


Thak you for the Info so quick!
And No, i didn´t read it bevore…
There toooooo much to read for me, sorry!
I try the email you posted.
Thanks again!

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Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

This is what I get by using the mail Adress you give us from LEMFO.
Maybe another one is better?


  1. Write them what you need
  2. answer and write down how much it costs
  3. you buy as many dollars as you have written
    in the comment, write the name of the part

If you are European or have them from a Spanish warehouse

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So, nothing I can buy from Spain or all over the World!
Its because of an Virus, they said!

So, my Lem T is unusefull!
The Back Cover ist still damaged and I do not know where to get a new one, except buy a new Watch!

Hopefully someone has a file for a 3D Printer.
Thank you so much for the great help here in this nice Forum.

Finally Ticwris has taken pity
and send me a Back Cover, Thank you so much…

Great to hear :+1:

Hi is there any chance to buy back cover to LEMFO Lem T? I try to contacts with lemfo support but it coundnt help.

Search Aliexpress :+1:

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Unfortunately, I can’t find one.