Official LEM15 Thread

Yes I agree with you.
Return it asap.
Put the original firmware on it and get it replaced. :+1:


It appears to have the same problems you describe.

No, the heart rate monitor is happy to measure my table’s heart rate.

Just to be clear, if you are using a watch face that records heart rate information then the sensor will be active most of the time. Regardless of whether you are wearing the watch or not because the watch face is constantly polling the sensor for updates.

This is an unfortunate limitation and we need to look at other ways for the information to be fed to the watch face at adjustable intervals.

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Google agenda does not work at all, you Can open the application, then get advices, then you hit OK and it generates the application closure, is It à known bug in the stock firmware ?

I don’t know about agenda in particular, but yes, some Google apps don’t work in the stock firmware. The international fw fixes this.

Oh, Agenda == Calendar. Yeah, that doesn’t work in the stock fw.

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Thanks, some information related to the battery’s behaviour
11h20 96% start a running session with gps activated in oruxmaps, duration 1h00
12h25 71%
13h00 43 % gps was still activated ,I made some trials with oruxmaps ( I forgot to stop it) and I Made a Phone call (5minutes …)
13h35 36% then another Phone call 8 minutes
14h00 15 %
And I put the watch on charge …

Between 13h00 and 14h00, from 43% to 15% for two Phone calls …!!! But may be some other stuff running backwards ?? Wifi,Bluetooth, GPS not connected only the SIM network without data …

Other observations : during my running session I also tried the stock firmware application for running
Two facts : the heart béat was between 80 and 90 …!!! Instead of 150 170 usually
The watch suddendly stopped ,reboot…

Out of curiosity were you getting the 150-170 readings before on the Lem15 or some other device?

Other smartwatch,other observations Related to the battery leakage :
SIM Card activated with 4g data
Netflix activated and connected to internet for music listening
Earbud jabra elite 65t conected trough Bluetooth
Nothing elle, for 1 hour battery level started at 91% and finished at 57 %
That means à decrease of 34% of the power decreased in 1 hour,do you think this is a normal behaviour for the battery???

Hi Pablo,I ’m looking for à watch face including several touch zones such as :
Wifi on/off
Data on/off
Two or three customer applications ( deezer,oruxmaps,…etc)
In addition of the usual info of à clockskin
Do you Know if that already exists for the lem15 ?.

Of the FAWs I’ve tried only the Lem12 and Lem12 Pro can handle the high workout heart rates. Sounds like the Lem15 is no exception.

Faw is no more available for lem15 as it crashes during the installation process, i have the feeling the applications are systematically closed either you push the power button or the screen goes off when the display timer gets the value defined in the parameters, may be this is the reason why such applications as ’assistive touch’ or others need to be started up when you reactivate the screen on ???

Is the FAW you refer to a custom ROM? What crashes when you try to install it? Remember this is an Android 10 watch and many older apps and ROMs will not work. But Android 10 has many features that did not exist in previous versions, so there are positives as well as negatives.
I am using my LEM15 with the factory ROM and it is stable and works well. I normally end my day with around 20% battery life. For me I use Watch Droid and Watch Droid Assistant to provide easy control of media playing on my phone and my own custom watch face using Watch Face Designer to provide touch points for running apps. If there is an Android app which will toggle wifi on and off, you could easily create a touch point on a custom watch face to perform this for you.
The heartbeat functions are not as accurate as my fitness band, but not bad.
I have generally found that my watch is a secondary device to my phone. I have Spotify, Google Calendar, WhatsApp, Duo and PocketCasts on my phone - I do not want them on my watch as well - what would be the point? I do like to control PocketCasts from my watch and I do like good notifications and quick replies to emails and messages on the watch, but anything more - my phone is required to perform these tasks.

@teatimesoon, it is a rom, but it is not a custom rom, as it is made in cooperation with Wiite.

@Sergio256, if it crashes during the installation process you have most likely downloaded the wrong zip. For v1.3b4 there was one zip for upgrading from stock and another zip for upgrading from a previous faw firmware. Misunderstanding on how to update is one of the reasons the firmware has been temporarily removed.

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This is a message i sent to pablo11
’Juste received my lem15 today, the release is Z36_LEM15_V1.2.1_20210617 , I trier to install the FAW-LEM15-V1. (1009M) but an error occurs during the installation process … The watch stops and reboot and seems to work as before thanks for your help’,
I tried several times,always the same result ’crash during the installation process’,I sent photos to prove this fact,after contact with lemfo, Pablo11 agreed with the problem and decided to remove the faw-lem15 of the forum .
Google apps do not Word with this release

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As I explained when I closed the threads, the firmware had become a mess due to various reasons.
One of the reasons why it is more of a problem for the LEM 15 is the use of a different main board coming into the mix.

Anyway, this is the not the place to talk about the international firmware.
Once the thread is re-established, we will let you know

Ok no problem, thanks fort your answer I just wanted to clarify the Lem15 situation as several people thought the update worked fine, waiting for the New FAW, I try to find solutions to use the stock firmware insta every day life and it is Not son easy

Hi Pablo 11, I juste received my new Lem15 in replacement of the previous one, same release Z36… V1. 2.1_20210617 but a different behaviour, I started a jogging session as usual, enabling data4G SIM, Bluetooth for earbud and Deezer for listening music through 4G network, stand-by mode set to two minutes.
Observations :
Screen remains ON, it worked correctly yesterday
GPS activated without doing anything…
Notifications from Gmail althought I put the notifications OFF
Heart measures activated without doing anything…
Play store opened without doing anything…
Message from the assistant althought it is Not activated
And a message appearing on the screen " Update "

After closing all I could close, the screen worked correctly in stand-by mode…
Some Hours later, no applications running , stand by mode set to 2 minutes, and the watchface has changed without doing anything …in fact the watchface which is displayed is the one when you I have Switched On the watch the very first time.
Have you any idea of what happens ??

Factory reset the watch . This should cure this