Michael Kors Grayson requested by @TheBlitz_Media

RE: Red rings, pretty sure it requires UL, the program it was designed in…

And yes, I want to have another clock with the GMT time there as in the prototype

You mean Universal Launcher, right?
I tried it once and something went wrong with the others watchfaces…
But for this one i will give it another go…

Yes Universal Launcher

Excellent my friend thank you for a keeper :watch: face

I saved this face in the Clock Skin Maker and should work for you… Download the proper link

I don’t think it’s possible with digital clock.
Read down a little in this post…

Hey @doubledad add the universal Launcher tag to the title so that viewers won’t be confused. The dial will act weird in kw stock launcher.


Sorry, it shows the same way…

Thank you, Jonathon, I admit I have been guilty of not doing so in the past


Copy to @Marco_Ferreira

Also there´s something wrong with the red rings… or do i need any launcher?

What watch are you using?

Right… Will replace the digital with analogue if it looks OK

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Finow X7 with 71.1. Android

In a previous post I asked Marco for insights on the red ring problem

There are different stocklaunchers. They have a slidly different behavior, for example on the battery indicator. In this case the batter has been moved 200 px to the left side. To make it work on finow launchers, and zeblaze also, I guess.

So, should @Rui_Iria expect this to work if he uses the UL (which I initially suggested he use)?

Yes, if UL is installed it will run on every watch. But it’s not so hard to make it work on finow Stock launcher. Just open the clockskin XML and move the battery 200px to the left.

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so i guess you mean this:


And i should change centerX value to -200, right?

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Yes, that’s right.


Thanks for the tips…
Just another one, please…
I feel on fire, so this might be possible:
Can i add weekdays to this watchface? iI could replace that LON useless reference…

Also now i´m kinda worried abou sharing this, can i do it when i´m finished?

Also I hope you all got a very love and food packed xmas… (i´m gonna spend today just drinking tea…)

Yes, you can add a date, if you like. If you use parts of this face and you want to share it, you need the permission of @doubledad and you have to add a credit link to the brand website, too. If you create your own pictures, a credit link to the brand website is needed, only.