Lokmat APPLLP 4 Z36 C17_D4 Official support thread

I don’t think so, all the images, including the preloader are signed and that is most likely why you get the error.

You can try it.

If it boots and you can perform a full factory reset, it may be possible. But in my experience with Android 10 on these devices - mixing images in the firmware is just not working.

The preloader is using secure boot I believe.

Even if the preloader is unlocked - I still had issues trying to flash just recovery image - for example.

you are right. I gave up flashing firmware.
My watch fell into red state.
I should kept previous faw firm, maybe…
Just waiting more time.
Thanks for reply.

This is bad news :frowning:

Tested 1.3RC1 on my APPLLP4 and working great.
Thank you for your team’s great work.
Only one problem is
Default Launcher has a really great performance compared to stock one.
so that I cannot replace to another…
Really happy worries…

I have an Appllp 7 with lot of problems. I cannot found any support or fimware at all. Does anyone has any idea or experience with that?

Try a factory reset first of all

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I already tried a couple of number, there is flashing screen when tried to wake up, the notifications remains silent after a while, turns off at 15%…

EDIT: @Arnie
Actually it is not one the unsupportable devices but it is model that LOKMAT did not ask us to support.
Can you show me the firmware build information please?
I will see if I can find it for you on the Solution server.

Ok, I have the firmware now.
If you are ok with flashing Unisoc devices I will upload it for you.
It’s a bit different from flashing MTK and the flash tool is different.
@Arnie let me know


WoW! Thank you very much!
What I have now:
Android 9.1
I have no problem with flashing, thanks!

Ok, I will try to get it uploaded as soon as I can.

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So just to be sure, this is a 32bit 2gb ram and 16gb storage model…right?

Yes, it is, 2+16 Gb

Awesome, thanks for the quick reply :+1:

Will you upload here in the thread or an other better place in the site’s structure?

I will send it to you by private message.
We don’t officially support these.


I sent you a message

Thank you very much! Banggood has sent me, that the support is here, on the forum… :slight_smile:
Then I asked them for support, with the detailed description of the problems, then they wrote me to send the product back…

Hi after some advice please.
When selecting the charger, what is the safe maximum amps that should be used please?
e.g. I have lots of chargers including 2 amp, 1.5 amp, 1 amp, 0.5 amp to pick from

Why not play it safe and use the one provided ? However some users know a lot about this