Kospet Prime firmware Updated 18 Sept 2020

all done mate. flashed with firmware update and then factory reset after updating and still no luck. should i try maybe format all then download?

nope, “Format All + Download” will delete your imei and other important stuff

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ok…well, still no luck with hr, its still failing test of reading hr on darker skin.

here is the window mute message of the sound I spoke. it s’affiche 1 second and before 5 seconds. no longer possible to read whether the sound and mute or not

I install android 7.1 sound mute apk to mute the sound and use Package Name Viewer to acitve the sound mute apk

Okay . Make sure package name viewer is on the watch ( not phone ) to get the array 100 info you need . This is because it can be different . Here are our instructions

Is this a playstore app or did you source this elsewhere ?

Send me your WFD .xml file and a link to the app

my language and not good sorry. I have no problem using the array 100 all worked with the 2.3b fimware apart from the display login account google, I said above that each firmware update has a bug that is added. I am using a specially developed private apk. the mute function works (the problem and the window which is displayed 1 second or instead of 5 seconds) the problem does not come from the apk.

Hi . I appreciate english is not your first language but you are not giving me much to go on. As you know array 100 can open a app or a shortcut as long as the code is correct in the clockskin. But i must stress not every shortcut works . The only thing that does work all the time is opening of a app. It would be very odd if this particular app works with one firmware and then not another in a clockskin . As i have asked you to send me the links twice now and you havent i cannot test for you

Can you please check if it’s working on V1.6?

I found where the problem comes from (background cleaner . battery saver) i disabled for it to work, before I did no need to touch this function . the new 2.5b firmware and fully optimized to mute any background application .


Success . I can sleep now :+1: . I am going to bed :wink:


thank you for your help :+1:t2:

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thank you for your help :+1:t2:

Anytime :+1::wink:

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Good to hear that you solved your problem. :+1:


I am delighted to have solved the problem it will help other people who encounter the same problem :slight_smile:
for firmware upgrades a list of optimizations would be a good thing

Very nice work everyone out glad to hear that you are ok @floon and the problem is solved… :+1:


Works well on my Microwear H8 lol :crazy_face:

Change the kernel with my stock and few lib files.
As for bugs, NONE so far :relaxed:
I managed to make both barometer and ambient display working :+1:

Better battery life and fresh appearance. Thanks @pablo11

Cool, which firmware are you using now?

Prime 2.5b
At first I am worried about no ambient clock, but after trying barometer app can run smoothly on hope firmware then I tried it, and it work.
Camera too, the only resolution are 7xx*12xx (forgot the exact value) but after trying to replace stock kernel into prime boot.img it worked flawlessly (5MP in resolution) .

I can also use face unlock, but the way to unlock it just stupid, I must face my own fist lol. So I keep it disabled.

Kospet doing well on their firmware, at least i can feel the difference in battery life between stock h8 (100%), hope (105-110%), and this firmware (115-125%) depends on usage scenario. But at least in cellular network standby it much better IMO.

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