Genesis Firmware and discussion - updated FW added to the folder

Yes I did, I have tried charging it with the direct cable. After two days it finally turned back on! Here’s the thing… when I turned it off it’s battery was at 100%, now, even though it was turned off the battery is showing 2%. How could the battery be drained while it was off over a time of 6 hours?

All I can figure out with this watch is… do not turn it off or allow the battery to get too low,

Probably would not hurt to also add. After flashing is complete do a factory reset before using watch.


You put it in the refrigerator and had to wait two days?
Normally half an hour is fine.

Ditto on powering the battery off. My last two issues had (have?) to do with that infernal power-button menu. First time, I hit the power-saving icon, which saved power to the extreme – it even disabled the touchscreen so I couldn’t even power the watch down, had to wait for the battery to drain. Someone in the FB group said that I could reboot by holding down the power button for five seconds.

My second issue — again from the power-button menu, this time I rebooted. Don’t ask me why, I don’t remember anymore :slight_smile: Thing is, it didn’t reboot, and after three refrigerator treatments ranging from ½ to a full hour, holding down the power button for three minutes, holding down the power and back buttons for 30-50 seconds, my watch still won’t power up.

I did have minor progress earlier though. Charged with a generic USB charger that outputs 5v and 2.4A, I did get the battery graphic, although it didn’t seem to be making progress. A few minutes into that, I got the startup logo, and nothing more.

Any more suggestions?

@Daniel_Escasa Ok, at this point it is time to refrigerate it for 20 - 30 minutes.
Then try to power it on again.

Because the charging causes the heat and then the cold unlocks it.

No… It took two days of trying; I cooled it twice in those two days. I just had to take a break for work and before I threw it through the wall. Yesterday morning I tried charging it with the dock, the direct cable both from my computer, then I tried the cheapest and probably oldest wall charger and I near s#*t myself when the battery charging icon appeared. I’m actually afraid to turn it off, earlier this morning I put it in power save thinking it would be good to go when I got up. Before I started writing this I had to hold both buttons for 15 -30 seconds to get it out of Power Save, thankfully it rebooted. So now I’m going to set it aside so it can sit quietly asleep and hope the battery doesn’t drain before I can get it on the cheap old charger.

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Did you notice that even the touchscreen was disabled? Now that is aggressive power-saving. I thought even the power button was disabled so I let my watch discharge, which took most of the day. Got a suggestion — too late for that “experiment”, will remember for the next — to hold down the power button for 30 seconds. Will also remember the two-button press, thanks for the tip

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Yep. It’s pretty fierce…
Holding power button to reboot is standard on all these watches.
There’s plenty of information here on the forum but time is needed to read all the stuff here.
So much of it…

I had the same issue, then the half-hour in the refrigerator followed by a five-minute interval, then charging from a computer USB port got my watch charging

Now I have another, bigger problem. I don’t remember exactly what led me to the power-button menu, might’ve been having to insert a SIM. Whatever it was, I hit the power-down icon and now it won’t power up again. Charged it through the mini-dock, and the lights showed it wasn’t charging. Tried holding down the power button for as long as 20 seconds, still nothing.

That power-button menu could be dangerous.

Further questions:

  1. I’m supposed to hold down the power button for three minutes. What’s supposed to happen after that, and what do I do at the end of the three minutes?

  2. There’s also the suggestion to hold the two buttons simultaneously for 15-30 seconds. Again, what’s supposed to happen after that, and what do I do at the end of the 15-30 seconds?

  3. What should I do if nothing happens after going through either or both of 1) and 2)?

Thanks in advance for any advice

You are not supposed to hold the power button down for 3 minutes?
To force a reboot, power button should be held down for 20 - 40 seconds… Never heard of 3 minutes before :thinking:
The order these steps are taken is important.
Charging with a phone charger and direct attach USB cable for a while and then refrigerate for 20 or 30 minutes followed by holding the power button (or both buttons) down for 20 - 40 seconds seems to be working for most people.

You have to remember that we are technical support for firmware and software issues.
We can’t do much about hardware problems.
That responsibility lies with the manufacturer - not a support provider.
As Jason knows, we can only do “so much” before it becomes out of our range.
So we do provide technical support and all the solutions that we have found that work are available to read here in this Genesis section.

I hope it works out ok :+1:

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@Daniel_Escasa to be honest - in your situation I would flash the firmware as described in the first post of this thread.
Maybe it will help in your situation?

I use the power saving feature every night. Yes it disables the touchscreen when in Power Saving(PS) mode. To get out of PS mode I simply hold the power button, it takes a few seconds, the menu comes back up and then select the (off) PS button, hit cancel and the screen returns.

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On my Lem 10 in the PS mode you have an (X) displayed on the screen that lets you disable the PS mode from the screen. Maybe a good item for the next firmware upgrade.

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So instead of selecting “firmware upgrade” in the flash tool, I need to select download instead? Quite confusing as the post says select “firmware upgrade” at the end but I’ll give it a try! Cheers!

I don’t think that is what he is referring to. The last steps after selecting the appropriate settings in the flash tool is to connect the watch and then press the large download button.

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Sounds like you have not installed the drivers - they are included in the packages.

You need to select firmware upgrade AND press the download button as in the picture above.

If you use download only in the flash tool, you will need to factory reset after.
That’s why I use firmware upgrade.

To be clear - you press download in the flash tool and THEN connect the USB cable (watch must be powered off) . Connecting the USB to the pc will start the flash.

What are you trying to fix?
This firmware is the same as the version on your watch.

It’s here just in case you have corrupted your watch.

Once mine came out of power save by pressing both buttons, it rebooted: started with the Kronos Blade screen then the start up tune, typical start up for the watch.

@troutbum yes… That’s why I said this -

"The order these steps are taken is important.
Charging with a phone charger and direct attach USB cable for a while and then refrigerate for 20 or 30 minutes followed by holding the power button (or both buttons) down for 20 - 40 seconds seems to be working for most people.’