Clockskin Universal Launcher & Standalone App

Chrismas Time !!

INTRODUCTION NOTE : This work is done for free. No one should take it to sell it without my permission.

Little demo :

I’ve worked hard on a new version of the clockskin engine.
This time i’ve taken a white piece of paper and tried to emulate the WatchMaker .watch format support. This is not easy, i have to guess how the engine should behave… Only way was to import a bunch of skins and make them look as on the preview… This means that not all is perfect and probably not everything will (ever) work as in the original app, but it’s anyway an improvment that opens some doors.

If you find .watch files that looks good, don’t hesitate to share their links !
If you find .watch that don’t work, i know there’s plenty, so i will not fix everything.

So what’s new : 

  • .watch file support (only not protected format)
    - date/time/stopwatch tags (reference here
  • battery tags (except temp)
  • sensor tags only steps/HR/accelerometer
    No counter/timezone/phone/device/weather/calendar/tasker tags
  • simple script / chronometer
  • simple shape / shader
  • markers / text (carriage return is not seen)
  • Bright / Dim mode, multi screen support
  • lua support but NOT wmschedule, tweens, wmtransition… 

not supported :

  • no weather support
  • no time/offset support
  • no arrow animation…

BE CAREFUL : this implementation is in Java, so performance can quickly become an issue. You can find watch skins with more than 80 layers, and it will become really slow !
Also, don’t use the watch skins that have a zoom factor script, it is very costly and the zoom is already integrated in the double tap…

RECOMMENDATION : You can use the WatchMaker app on your phone/tablet to create or modify your skins, then test them with the standalone App before putting them on your watch.

Improvments :

  • Double tap now opens a dialog box where you can : choose between Night and Day mode and adjust the zoom factor.
  • clockskin Skins can be read in ZIP format : no need to decompress a skin in the ClockSkin directory, just put the zip file.
    Note the the ZIP file should not contain the skin in a sub directory.

launcher bug fixes :

  • wifi / BT state

How to install the Launcher :

  • install the APK
  • activate the correct authorisations : SMS / PHONE / Settings
  • activate “Allow Peek” Notification, the app will show you the setting tab.

Tutorial on uploading skins on your watch/phone :
Read more: /thread/267/standalone-clockskin-engine-apk-version

Tested on my D5 with original FW (4.4) and Honor 7 (6.0).

How to put faces on the watch :

Watch files to start with :
WatchMarker Indigo

Tribute - Ernst Benz Chronolunar Automatic

Colorful Minimalism

Harley Davidson - Bulova Custom Dim


Rolex files

New versions available 1.1.8 (and standalone 2.0.8):

  • wrist screen on correction
  • battery rotation correction

launcher 1.1.8 :

Standalone App (V 2.0.8):

New versions available 1.1.7 (and standalone 2.0.7):

  • removal of HSV and RGB shaders that are not working correctly, preventing some images to show.
  • moon phase is implemented.
  • some other engine bug fixes
  • new crash log : after a crash of the launcher, start it again. A crash report is then generated on the Root directory. Connect to your PC and get the file, you can use it to help me find the bugs.
  • NO change on other launcher parts (notification or widget, …), so it’s only of interest if some skins are not working correctly…

launcher :

Standalone App (V 2.0.7):

New versions available 1.1.6 (and standalone 2.0.6):

New versions available 1.1.5 (experimental):

  • digital time with leading 0

  • bad text opacity

  • shape rotation

  • text size

  • optimization…

New versions available 1.1.4 (experimental):
- correction of delete widget issues : when the widget is dead the normal long click (> 300ms) does not work, so a quick double click is implemented (< 300ms)

New versions available 1.1.3:
- text dim color support

  • bug in color display corrected
  • bug that could crash the launcher

New versions available 1.1.2:
- week number

  • added square mode toggle in settings (thanks to Julien) : will only work if your watch already support this in the system launcher.
  • reworked settings icon position and better icon resolution in app launcher part (thanks to Julien)

New versions available 1.1.1:

  • accelerometer is disabled for battery issues
  • korean bug fix
  • shape support is enhanced (still no heart support)
  • text ring (full ?) support
  • other bugs fixes

Launcher (V 1.1.3):

Launcher (V 1.1.2):

Launcher (V 1.1.1):

Standalone App (V 2.0.3):

Standalone App (V 2.0.2):

Standalone App (V 2.0.1):

Great !
you were quicker than me. I am working on the engine too. I will test yours soon.

Eric, I just did not understand how the watch format works … do you also place the .watch file in the ClockSkin folder?
Thanks again

Dec 21, 2016 17:59:06 GMT 1 calom said:
Eric, I just did not understand how the watch format works ... do you also place the .watch file in the ClockSkin folder? Thanks again


Dec 21, 2016 17:59:06 GMT 1 calom said:
Eric, I just did not understand how the watch format works ... do you also place the .watch file in the ClockSkin folder? Thanks again

Method 1
For WatchMaker .watch it’s Storage > ClockSkin > .watch

Method 2
For the new ClockSkin zips it’s (face name).zip > files. You copy the zip to the ClockSkin folder.

Method 3 (original stock method)
ClockSkin faces made using the old method require that you extract the zip and copy the face folder to the ClockSkin folder on the watch.

Faces made using method 1 and 2 will not work on the stock launcher

Hope this helps.

Dec 21, 2016 18:53:22 GMT 1 RASC Moderators said:
Dec 21, 2016 17:59:06 GMT 1 calom said:
Eric, I just did not understand how the watch format works ... do you also place the .watch file in the ClockSkin folder? Thanks again

Method 1 For WatchMaker .watch it's Storage > ClockSkin > .watch

Method 2
For the new ClockSkin zips it’s (face name).zip > files. You copy the zip to the ClockSkin folder.

Method 3 (original stock method)
ClockSkin faces made using the old method require that you extract the zip and copy the face folder to the ClockSkin folder on the watch.

Faces made using method 1 and 2 will not work on the stock launcher

Hope this helps.

For kw88 and friends neither method 3!

When it comes to this launcher- I’m running all three methods on the KW88, I2, I3, Blitz, the X and Plus Series. So you must be talking about the stock launcher on the KW88 type watches.

Dec 21, 2016 22:07:51 GMT 1 RASC Moderators said:
When it comes to this launcher- I'm running all three methods on the KW88, I2, I3, Blitz, the X and Plus Series. So you must be talking about the stock launcher on the KW88 type watches.

Yes, right.

Eric, I cant see any difference between bright and dim Mode. Can you explain please?

Dec 21, 2016 22:37:23 GMT 1 calom said:
Eric, I cant see any difference between bright and dim Mode. Can you explain please? Thanks

It depends on the .watch skin you're using, not all have a dim or bright mode. See the video and test with the .watch files i've put in the main post.

What basic Watchmaker face functions are currently supported? Knowing should help folks narrow down what faces will work.

Thanks agin Ricktop!!!
Just please make my whish come true, a option to arrange apps…

Dec 21, 2016 23:25:13 GMT 1 RASC Moderators said:
What basic Watchmaker face functions are currently supported? Knowing should help folks narrow down what faces will work.

Good point... I already tested several .watch files (more than 10) and none worked very well.

By the way ricktop, I have problems with zip files too, for me not worked (kw88).

Dec 21, 2016 17:27:03 GMT 1 ricktop said:
Chrismas Time !!

Little demo :

I’ve worked hard on a new version of the clockskin engine.
This time i’ve taken a white piece of paper and tried to emulate the WatchMaker .watch format support. This is not easy, i have to guess how the engine should behave… Only way was to import a bunch of skins and make them look as on the preview… This means that not all is perfect and probably not everything will (ever) work as in the original app, but it’s anyway an improvment that opens some doors.

If you find .watch files that looks good, don’t hesitate to share their links !
If you find .watch that don’t work, i know there’s plenty, so i will not fix everything.

So what’s new :

  • .watch file support (only not protected format)
  • simple script / chronometer
  • simple shape / shader
  • markers / text
  • Bright / Dim mode
  • accelerometer…

not supported :

  • no weather support
  • no time/offset support
  • no arrow animation…

BE CAREFUL : this implementation is in Java, so performance can quickly become an issue. You can find watch skins with more than 80 layers, and it will become really slow !
Also, don’t use the watch skins that have a zoom factor script, it is very costly and the zoom is already integrated in the double tap…

RECOMMENDATION : You can use the WatchMaker app on your phone/tablet to create or modify your skins, then test them with the standalone App before putting them on your watch.

Improvments :

  • Double tap now opens a dialog box where you can : choose between Night and Day mode and adjust the zoom factor.
  • clockskin Skins can be read in ZIP format : no need to decompress a skin in the ClockSkin directory, just put the zip file.
    Note the the ZIP file should not contain the skin in a sub directory.

launcher bug fixes :

  • wifi / BT state

How to install the Launcher :

  • install the APK
  • activate the correct authorisations : SMS / PHONE / Settings
  • activate “Allow Peek” Notification, the app will show you the setting tab.

Tutorial on uploading skins on your watch/phone :

Read more: /thread/267/standalone-clockskin-engine-apk-version

Tested on my D5 with original FW (4.4) and Honor 7 (6.0).

Watch files to start with :
WatchMarker Indigo

Tribute - Ernst Benz Chronolunar Automatic

Colorful Minimalism

Harley Davidson - Bulova Custom Dim


Rolex files

Launcher (V 1.1):

Standalone App (V 2.0):

And thank you for your hard working to make dream come true…
1 question , This version support for kw88 ?
Thank again

Hi Eric!

First of all want to thank you for the great job you done, please don’t stop and keep going! I very like your idea with widgets, but unfortunately there is few bugs I want to report to help you to make this launcher better and better!

Im testing on Zeblade Blitz, Android 5.1, rooted firmware from XDA.

  1. First of all, after Launcher starts, it hardly switch volume to 0, so I need to go to sound settings with SettingSearch app, turn ring, media and alarm volume up to max values to make it work. Sometimes it doesn’t help, so I need to close launcher, start default one, toggle vibration and then sound works again. So, looks like something wrong.

  2. Widgets randomly appear-dissapear. I set up 2 widgets: Pedometer and YR.NO weather. Works fine untill I reboot my watch. After reboot I had 2 pedometers =)

  3. Sometimes the Watch just forget that your Launcher was registered as Launcher. It randomly ask “Want to set WatchClockSkin as Louncher” or something similar. And then asks N times permissions to allow WatchClockSkin to set widgets.

  4. Don’t you think to add a stand-alone app just to change Launcher settings? Sometimes when I try to scroll across the screens, I notice that Launcher detects double tap and change skin size. It annoying. So, settings app can be responsible for that, instead of adding this functionality to taps.

  5. Is it possible to remove G and Microphone buttons and just allow widget instead? Turning on-off of this feature can be located in same settings app I mentioned above.

  6. Watch Faces with .watch extension seems to not work at all. I have downloaded one of suggested Faces in .watch format, but I see in Skin selection screen a blank/black screen instead of watch face. If I select it - watch screen becomes blank, nothing work.

  7. Some buttons overlap each other, but this can wait.

If you want me to test more on Blitz, Im here to help!

Launcher v1.1 tested on KW88, I2, I3, Blitz, K18 Round, X1, X5, Q3, X3+

All faces listed in OP work. Multiple other Watchmaker faces tested worked as well.

Here’s a hint on finding faces that work.
Analog/Digital time/day/date
Basic chrono functions
No 3d/paralax effects
No interactive faces (this means faces with multiple screens)
No faces with shortcuts or player controls
No faces with maps
No faces with tons of data (detailed weather, sun rise/set, the price of tea in China, etc.)

So one thing I have found is that digital time is dropping the leading zero on some faces, and second time zone isn’t working. Not sure about agenda as none of my watches are running Google syncs right now.

Example of what it should look like

new test for kw88 for launcher v1.1, work for .zip and .watch file,
but .watch seem can slowdown your watch a bit.
thank you

Awesome stuff Eric! gonna test this out later when i get back from work…

Does the notifications work well with kw88?

Edit : Testing out this version while i’m at work lol 

How do i get notifications to work? there’s no pop out for notifications on my end. Watch just turns on whenever a notification arrives, without showing what’s the notification.

Are others getting the notification to work, if so, is there anything that needs to be done? 


Dec 21, 2016 23:25:13 GMT 1 RASC Moderators said:
What basic Watchmaker face functions are currently supported? Knowing should help folks narrow down what faces will work.

Ok, i'll try to explain a little more. I've updated the main post. It's not easy for many reasons :  - first, it's difficult to know that a skin will work or not just looking at the description, because it doesn't tell how many layers, what kind of scripting is used and other details. - my implementation is based on LUAJ that is a port of lua for java, this doesn't behave exactly like the lua version of the original app that is probably not in java and not the same version and with some customization. - graphics are in Java too where original app uses openGL to speed up the rendering. (I'll try to look at that because it's interesting to see how it works). So performance would lead to memory crash / very slow animation that makes the launcher unusable. - i've implemented some features like text / shape / markers but partially. No support for skew for example, rotated text is simplified (notion of up/down display is not always working). I have to guess how this should work and it's not easy to understand the usage of some parameters for the skin...

That’s why i recommend to try it on the standalone app and if it doesn’t work or look nice, try to edit it with the watchmaker app and remove what can make it not work : strange scripting, unsupported feature, zoom factor… It’s not what any user will probably do but some can have the courage to simplify watch skins so that they work nicely on my engine. If they do, it would be nice to share their working links.

As i’ve always said, i do that for fun, to learn android basics. And i will probably never reach the original implementation because it’s a very complex thing to do just guessing how it should behave and how to emulate it…

Congratulation Eric!
First tests are very conclusives. The launcher works very well on the X5+. I did not try the .watch faces for now, but the usability of the launcher is so great I will not go back to the original one.
Just one comment for now : The icons in the app list seems to be the ver low dpi ones (they appear blurry on my watch), it probably not very problematic to select the hdpi or something similar.