Android 10 has landed - official announcement

Very exciting news - can’t wait to get one :yum:

Do you have more pictures than the one in the competition advertisement ?

Yes but at the moment they are private

Argh :grimacing:
When do you think more can be revealed ?

These are private photos of the pre-production model. We will not publish these. But there will be more official photos soon.
We ask for patience.

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And for the million dollar question: BT Calling back on the menu?


No, not for the moment.

Does it have the same Ceramic front as Kospet Prime (1) ?

Yes it does have a ceramic bezel :+1:

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That is nice, one of the things I like about the Prime.
How about the wireless charging, I guess a more generic question, but what is best for the watch/battery in the long run, the wireless or the cabled charging ?

The Prime 2 will support wireless charging.

Yes, it’s so nice :ok_hand:
But my question was if a cabled or wireless charging was better for the longevity of the battery life.
I googled it in the meantime, and the article I stumbled upon said there was no difference, if the charger is QI certified.

Yes, this is using a lower level wireless charging system to stop heat and also because trickle charging these batteries makes them last a lot longer


Would NFC not be an advantage for storing for example metro-cards?

@lrr possibly.
Depends on the security requirements of that platform

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Hi, Pablo,

Any chance of an Android 10 OTA update for current models?

Let me answer your question:

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Well, since @Wags asked for upgrade android for mtk chipset, then I will explain AFAIK

Since the beginning of mtk chipset using android, there rarely any upgradeable android version. it clearly from the way security patch updates (all MT6739 watches have may 2018)
perhaps the the only watch have upgrades are :

very first android smartwatch (froyo 2.2, mt6515) have upgrade to jelly bean 4.x
and omate truesmart and its clone have jelly bean 4.2.2 upgradeable to kitkat (I posted it at xda back in 2015)

other than that, I can’t see any FAW upgradeable android version yet.

There is no road map to upgrade any of the previous watch models.

The Openwatch project is looking into a generic A10 build for the M6739 watches.

It is also an issue using 64bit architecture from A10 on some of the watch configurations.

But this is all just conjecture until something gets released.

We will obviously let everyone know if it is possible.


As i understand older devices like kospet optimus pro will not update to android 10??
