Watchface for the Lem 4 pro in Universal Launcher

I wanted a text clockface so i looked at all the available and learned to create one

so here it is (sorry about the pic i cant work out how to screen shot on the lem 4 yet)

Did you use watchmaker? I can’t check it, because the file is locked.

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Sorry I’ve updated the op with the correct link

And no it’s just cobbled together using the XML files and images

Still locked. And the picture is gone… :wink:

lol sorry im new to G drive

so try this

I don’t believe there is any built-in way to take a screen shot with these watches. If I were to take a screen shot of the watch I would probably use vysor. Also, if you use watchfacedeigner or clockskinmaker, they will make the clock_skin_model.png for you

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Just a few tweaks changed the layout to be much better!


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Actually there is at least one way. I use Smart Touch Pro and it is one of the options available that can be displayed over any screen. So no matter which screen is displayed, on the watch, you can take a screen shot, while remaining in that screen. Just like your phone.
Here is a sample:

I tried the free version and it was not able to take screenshots of snaps. This one was though:
and anyways, I wouldn’t say it’s a built-in way when you need to install an app