Vacheron & Constantin Grand Complication for stocklauncher

Due to the many inquiries, I am now releasing a Version of this watch, which also works for stock launcher. I hesitated for a long time because many compromises were necessary: Sunset / Sunrise (for Hamburg) only updates monthly. Likewise the season wheel. Suntime is not possible, I have converted the hand into a second-hand. I hope that maybe some of you will still enjoy it…

Credits:- - Google Drive


Yessssssss :heart:

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I hope you like it.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Just fixed a little error at the day/night complication. Same link.

About bloody time :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::+1:

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yessss…you are the man !!! love it

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It’s fascinating how effective I am when I am not disturbed by my boss… :rofl:


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Wow, just wow. It’s worth a million


Thank you, @Simon_Jaffé-Noble. The perfectionist in me prefers the UL version, which I created a few weeks ago. But I understood that some wanted a version for stock launcher. Maybe you too, @Doonsbury?


Hi @G1NT0N1C . Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to convert this beautiful face to Stock Launcher. It is very much appreciated mate! :+1: :+1: I have it on my Kospet Lite and it looks magnificent! Again, thank you G1N! Cheers, Doons


A must have. Thanks @G1NT0N1C

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Thank you, @Joao_Nascimento .

Will you be creating version of this?

I hope so. If I find some time…

Hi. I’m a bit new to this. Can someone please help me or guide as to where I can learn how to use these beautiful watch faces on Fossil Q-Explorist Gen3.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Not at all. Nothing here in this Forum will work on your watch, sorry.
This Forum is about fullandroid watches. The OS of your watch is Android wear.

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