Touch Multicircles

Have tried that, Tim, without success FURTHERMORE, when using your code for the dialer (not contacts), it doesn’t respond either…

Any idea why my Package Name app doesn’t display these codes (page is blank except for “Detail, Copy and Open”

Then you are doing something wrong . My " smoking monkey " face works 100% and also with dialer . Why not download the face and look at the .xml file ? You can copy and paste the section for dialer into any watch face . If you are using a old watch ( or non 7.1.1 ) that could be the problem . As for package viewer . No idea . You open the app on watch and tap or hold the desired section . You then get a pop up

Yeah, using android 5.1 BUT the WhatsApp link works with it. AND, just loaded (properly) the Contacts code you provided AND no luck with it as well as the dialer code???

P.S. I REALLY appreciate all the effort both you and @meghgoswami835 have provided

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Maybe try with another contacts app, Google contacts for example?

OK, I’ll try that, but unless the Package Name shows code for that, I’m afraid I’ll give up

Tried to find Google Contacts on Package, not there…

We were not aware it worked with any android 5.1 watches :thinking:

As I said, WhatsApp does work

Hi doubledad, you wrote the code wrong,you have added the tag !Phone–> below drawable.
you have to put it up drawable,for this reason don’t work.

You hve to correct it,the it works well.

But that’s a comment, it shouldn’t interfere with the code

ok,sorry,but this array works on my prime watch.
doubledad,If you mount my face on your watch,the phone dialer array works ?

There’s no problem in the code I think, doubledad’s watch doesn’t show the package name and cls for the contacts app so there must some incompatibility with 5.1


maybe yes.

No, phone dialer doesn’t work, but Sound Recorder, Alarms, Music and Google all do work.

guys,I don’t know if I tell an idiot thing,but in the doubledad code posted,whatsapp and phone diale are in the same x y coordinates,maybe works only whatsapp because overwrite the array 100 posistion of the phone,maybe changing the x y coordinates,works the dialer too. Or he can try to install another dialer contact app and try with package app if he see the cls and pkg and if the new app works with array 100-

Coordinates are 100 and -100 so all should be OK

ALSO, I’m convinced Package Name is incompatible with android 5.1 and have asked the developer if that’s the case

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damn,I was without glasses. :innocent:
I told an idiot thing. :joy:

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Not so, I appreciate your continued help :joy: :grinning:

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thks,I try to help,I learn by making mistakes. :grinning:


Mistakes is my middle name

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