Rystiv - X1 from Colris - Digital Clockskin

Here the new Rystiv - X1 clock skin for you. Its a derivative from the Challenge. This Holiday season, spread love, spend time with your loved ones and I’m going to take some time off from my clock skin design routine. A splash of gradient and intricately drawn edges and what you’ll get is the result of improvisation on every iteration.
Name credit : @Shanmuga_Sabareesh helped me out naming the skin. Thanks pal.


 Feel free to download the xml and edit

Svg file
Open in Inkscape to edit

xml File
open in WFD and edit



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yandex disk




Rystiv-X1 dark variant

For Universal Laucher
But a Different Variant full black screen and larger font in the weekday panel



For stock launcher bolder font weekday and clear black screen

yandex disk


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16


Awesome :+1::+1: . Love it

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Thank you and best wishes to you and family during the holidays @Ashik_Jonathan

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Very nice face Ashik :+1: But the Battery Level indicator is off on my Kospet Hope using Universal Launcher. Could you have a look into it please :pray:

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Ul verison ok I will post on asap. But you can count on my laziness.

Sorry, didn’t realise, my bad, lol. I would appreciate that Ashik, thanks 4 your quick reply :hugs:

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Wow. This watch face looks great on my KW88pro. Thanks for this unique clockskin.I loved it.

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This is very good at Zeblade THOR PRO. Thanks very much.

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What do you think bout this version.

  • Yes, I want it
  • Nah

0 voters

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Cheers Ashik works perfectly with UL, well appreciated. Would u mind doing ur new 1 4 UL as well please if u post it? :thinking::hugs::pray:

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How much time does it take to create a detailed face like this?

There will be a UL version from now on for watch faces with elements having serious offset issues.

When you work on a copy. Need not worry about the elements. But when you decide to create a original copy, what you had originally conceived on the computer screen may not reflect exactly the way to want to on the watch screen. Sometimes a dark grey on a led monitor seems like deep black but in a small watch screen it shows off. Some time font choices may not end up well. Well I was binge creating faces. So I thought will apply the brakes making few faces for a month. As many new comers have been creating faces big time and some are nailing it like @doubledad :money_mouth_face:. Spent 40 min every day for one week and everything from frame to elements have undergone serious changes on every iteration. So in my case it took 36 iteration (in fact its still undergoing some changes) and one week plus for this skin.

I appreciate the recognition, Jonathon, but I don’t feel worthy of it. I simply am working-off the genius of the original watchmakers in an attempt to share their beauty with our community…

this is what I said coming here. you’ve just started experimenting these tools. In time we will start witnessing your creativity.

Cheers Jonathan, that’s good 2 hear :hugs:

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Sadly this variant will not be available but a different better variant :grinning: is
The Rystiv - x2 is out

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Outstanding work!!!