Reservoir - Hydrosphere Bluehole

Dasent ya get the bends, @Doonsbury, this one may save your life!




Doubledad…at just on $6.460.00 (OZ) dollars…I would have to die and use my life insurance money to buy it! :woozy_face: I notice from the website that this baby is rated at 25 ATM (250m) Unless you have upgraded it on the face you made? :smile: But recently I managed to buy a Nautis divers watch that is rated to 50 ATM (500m) which is way more than I need for playing in the bath tub! I’ve downloaded the face (And placed it in the appropriate UL folder on my computer! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) against the day I put UL, on my watch, for it is, like a great many of your offerings, a great looking face. Cheers, Doons

Since you have a folder of UL skins on your computer, do really do need to install UL on your Hope… So, here’s the deal… Install it and if it “bricks/whatever”, I’ll buy you a new Prime SE. Just think, you’ll be able to see my dancing girl and favorite Chanel skins:



BTW, I’m serious!

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Hahaha, a fair deal! Good move, @doubledad. But I’m afraid he will resist today!


Yes doubledad, I do indeed have a UL folder and at present it has 210 watch faces in it. I also have a Standard launcher folder with around 400 faces in it. But as our much loved (:woozy_face: :smile:) moderator @G1NT0N1C said “Be afraid, be very afraid” :worried: He will indeed resist today…and any other day of the week! :smile: I tried UL once, didn’t like the way it changed the way my watch displayed information and it did not display the watch faces correctly. So, I tried it, had problems with it and (To quote Mr Spock!) “It would be illogical to try it again” So, although I appreciate your offer I must refuse it for 2 reasons 1) I never intend to try UL on my watch again…and more importantly 2) My Mum told me never to accept a gift from a stranger! :woozy_face: :rofl: Cheers, Doons

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Well… I don’t consider you a stranger, but that’s another story. Since you’re an obstinate 'ol geezer, might I suggest installing WFD on your overburdened computer and - at least - LOOK at all those wonderful designs in their mechanical splendor.

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In my case, If I just want to look at a watchface on my computer, I use clockskin viewer, which can be found here:


Thanks, Alexander… Good to know! UNFORTUNATELY, the link is DEAD :sleepy:

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ah, you’re right, I didn’t check that

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Me…obstinate? Geezer? and above all “ol”?!! Never! :smile: You might indeed suggest that I install WFD on my computer (And it is NOT “Overburdened”…after all it has ME for company! :woozy_face:) But I am afraid that your suggestion, as well meant as it was, has come about 13 months too late, because, coincidentally enough, I installed WFD about…er…now when was it? (Hurry up Doons! of he’ll say your “ol” again! :crazy_face:) Oh yes! About 13 months ago! :rofl: Cheers, Doons

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Wel then, do you ever preview those nasty UL faces?

First off, how come Ya didn’t call @noidremained “ol” when he posted a dead link?!! :rofl: Ok, moving right along…no siree! I never preview those NICE (After all UL faces have feelings too you know! :crazy_face: :smile:) UL faces. I download them (And all the other Standard launcher faces, even if I don’t use them) because on the Forum there are quite a few dead links (No offense noidremained! :smile:) and I told @G1NT0N1C that I would go through my folders and see if I had any of the missing faces. Since I started doing that I decided just to keep downloading faces in case the links go dead. It’s all part of being just a wonderful human being (Not a particularly pleasant job, but someone has to do it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) :rofl: Cheers, Doons

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@doubledad. Is this excellent watch face meant 2 work with UL? Because it doesn’t on my Hope. All of ur others I’ve not had this issue.

Odd, Andy, is is UL. I can’t say why it’s not working on your UL Hope and I haven’t heard from anyone else that it’s not working… I just tried it on another of my watches where it -once again - did work.

Thanks for the comment, perhaps someone else has a solution.

I don’t really think I will be able to help you, but it might be easier for someone to find a solution if you specify in which way it fails. Does it make UL crash? Does it not load? Is some part of it displaying incorrectly?

It shows in the watchface selection on the watch as deleted.

Could there be a folder in the folder? This can be the cause.

Did you delete and re-post o watch?

@G1NT0N1C I know what u mean I have had that b4. I have had a look & this doesn’t apply. There are just the 4 files.

@doubledad. I don’t understand what u mean :thinking:

Only 4 files? There should be 80+ files. Again, in situations like this I would delete any files on the watch and download the zip file from Dropbox and start over