Questions about H18

Ive just got the H18 watch, which is a nice watch, im having problem with the size of the keyboard, im trying to press the a, it takes 4 or more times for it to print the letter, i cant find anything in the watch settings to alter the keyboard size, im looking for a bit of advice please.


Try switching the display to square mode.

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I haved this watch : too many problems, return to the seller…

I have one, too. In fact, it’s not so bad. But it requires some expertise to set it up.


Mine works well. My issues involve controlling what can and can’t run in the background. I just keep tweaking. It’s fun.

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In fact, even with some expertise to set it up, notifications from app’s doesnt work on this watch wicth it’s a major problem… :smirk:

Sorry, but you are wrong. All you have to do is prevent the watch from falling asleep. Instructions for this are already available.


Thanks for your reply, not sure how to go from cicle to square but, ill take a look

Sorry, i have do a search but i can’t find instructions to prevent H18 from falling asleep…

Settings - more settings - battery - app standby optimizer - select app - turn off app optimized - also in this section switch standby wakeup / standby sleep and standby network to no optimize

Settings - more settings - battery - auto launch management - select app in app auto launch and app secondery launch

Settings - apps and notifications - select app - data usage - turn on background data and unrestricted data usage


Thanks but this settings doesnt works… They works on Android 11 ( Lemfo Lem 16 ) but not on Android 8.1 ( H18 ). On a H18 you have not notifications from the appps and no Google contacts synchronyse… So let’s see and proove it.

This method is to allow apps to run in the background and it does work. A8.1’s failure to allow notifications and google contact sync has nothing to do with this. And yes i have the H18 like @G1NT0N1C


You told us you had this watch and sent it back, so how could you have checked if it worked? I have the feeling that you don’t always take the truth very seriously.

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Sorry to be so suspicious, i apologyse. But yes i have tested this method before returning the watch and dont work for me, may be because it was a X11 model and not a H18 but there are 2 on Android 8.1…

Excuse me to have be so suspicious, i have mistake with the X11 model witch is also A8.1. So according to you witch is the best A8.1 : H18, H19 or may be another model ? Thanks.

I have the X11 and H18. For me the H18 is the best of the bunch

i have the H18 and the H19…tough the H18 is very good, if you have to buy one now, i would go for the H19…same superb watch as the H18 with the added bonus of a retractable camera and always on display that doesn’t eat your battery…i finally got the nebula X good enough so the battery lasts about 40 hours by removing a LOT off apps running in the background and the bloatware…as it is A11 the notifications work perfectly and is also a good alternative…

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Can you confirm the notifications problem that i haved with my X11 is not present on the H18 ? Thanks.

Ok. Where have you buy the H19 and it’s delivered with a power bank ? No Google account problem and notifications from different apps work on it ? Always on display desactivable ? Thanks.

These watches are “not supported”. This is because we have no contact with the manufacturer and no influence on the software.
If it works on one watch, it may be different on the same watch with different software.
So no one can give you a guarantee for anything. It works on the H18 watches that the doctor and I have. We can’t say anything more about it.