More OTA issues... Your help needed please..! Hi all.

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 sorry for late reply, no internet connection here for few days, i call it temporary because when you sign in the play store there is an error pop up, you can still continue but that sure still a bug that cause the error, perfect fix wont lead to any error, btw my IMEI is still intact

@Huawa_Tuam please do not flash pre-loader and select download only in SP Tool.

I have been informed by Finow that the issue is resolved. I cannot test them all as I am away at the moment. The one I did test was fine but beware of missing IMEI number from the OTA which caused all the issues. If your IMEI is missing Google will also refuse to connect.

@ameesh_ash hi, was your trouble with blutooth disconnection solved? i was experiencing failed connection after i updated the firmware of my huawei p9. was thinking maybe the previous firmware of x5 and latest of huawei P9 are not compatible. Any help? Thanks!

@Arnold_Lira if your P9 is running Android Nougat then you will have issues… Even Marshmallow was tricky…

+Pablo Eleven (Pablo11)+Pablo Eleven, yes it is on Android Nougat, the newest update. Blutooth connection keeps on failing, so does the notification. Im no longer enjoying the functionality it used to have. Any way to fix it? Thanks.

@Arnold_Lira I am aware of some fixes that are being worked on at the moment. It will be a couple of weeks before it is ready though. The problem lies in the MTK bluetooth stack. It’s not a Google stack so there are many incompatibilities.