Lokmat appllp 5 max

Anybody has experiences about Lokmat appllp 5max watch?

Looks nice on paper, but is this in reality as bad as s999?


Did some digging, so according to Lokmat webstore appllp 5 max has atleast better chip and more memory than s999. Screen and battery are smaller. Looks intresting to me, just wondering if the software is any good, should be android 10.7 if lokmats info is correct.
Any opinions?

A very interesting product if the specs are not fake.

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Is Lokmat known to fake their specs?

At the moment no but what do you say : but is this in reality as bad as s999?

Yeah suprisingly hard to find any information about this device, maybe its new or something.

Maybe i just have to take a risk and order one :sweat_smile:

This new Lokmat seem to be a very goog product because all the advantages of a DM101 ( big screen and battery ) but with most recent Android 10.7 and replacable band. Not so risk to order one because we can return the item to the seller if not ok…

Yes and sim card insertion without those tiny screws is good also, they get lost so easily.

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As far as I know Android 10.7 is the Android Auto application version and not the Android operating system, so it’s a marketing tactic. The question is then what’s the real Android version? Also posted related question here I Need Your advice for watch replacement (old Kospet Prime) - #11 by Edwin_Mennes where Kospet Prime 2, Kospet Optimus 2 and LEMFO LEM15 are listed with those versions.
I’m just curious what to expect.

I have recently tested this watch and unfortunatlly she’s full of bugs : Always start in airplane mode, Google doesn’t sync contacts and Google Agenda apk dont work, Google speech ( TTS engine ) is not implemented and dont work even if you install it, notifications are a nightmare… After a reset of the watch : Google apk in the system settings dont work anymore ! Another watch to return to the seller… :sunglasses: