Lemfo Lem 14 Red Button

Hi there,

my lem 14 has a problem, since i received it. The red button has to be pushed hard to activate it (e.g to start the watch or to choose between close etc). Is this normal or not?


Its hard to say without touching it but if you are having to force and function i would return it asap . Unlike others we are aware of with button failures this is not one of them

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OK, thank you for your quick replay. I will return the Watch.


I don’t think it’s normal but I have exactly the same issue. I tried to press on it quite hard to see if it would get better but it didn’t. There might be some dirt between the button membrane and the flex PCB but LEM14 is very serviceable.

I have the same problem, but my watch is more then one year old, and gwuaranty is over. Is it possible to repair the switch?

It’s almost impossible unless you know a good mobile repairer - and many of them don’t want to try and fix these very tiny components…
You can read up on another guy’s experience here and see how much effort is required - even to open the case!

Thank you for your response. I’ve already read this thread - it’s very interesting. Interestingly, the button works better if the watch is on all the time. If it stays off for a long time, then the button stops working and not the watch is very difficult to turn on.