Kospet Prime2 wrist-raise, doesn't stay on more than 1 second

I just received my Kospet Prime 2. I set the Screen Timeout to 5 minutes and have the Lift to Wake turned on. When I twist my wrist, the display come on, and immediately turns off. It only stays on for a second or less. Anyone have an idea what I need to do?

Hi . Firstly i would upgrade your firmware and see if you like the results

If not there is also a different launcher which will give you more options for your sceen called Universal Launcher . You will find this on our forum also

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There’s two timers. The one for wrist turn is only a few seconds and not settable with stock launcher. The one you have set is only when you use the power button.

We have included a screen on time control in the latest update of the FAW international firmware…
I don’t think anyone has even noticed :joy: