Kospet Prime 2 Official support UPDATED!

My thoughts exactly …

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There is already Google Assistant installed in the watch and he work well, but Google Assistant doesnt read by voice automatically the messages or notifications from the appps… Many apps exist who do that and i have the habit to use them on all my precedent watches but infortunately none of them works on the Kospet Prime 2 because they say there is a problem with the TTS engine. Try and you’ll see…

So did you check accessibility options in settings search? I believe that it is posted in this thread and it is very easy to use.

Yes i have settings search and in accessibility option : screen read, speech synthetysis when i click on Langage this option is grayed…

And your language is?
Only some are supported by the firmware

French language…

This reviewer also compared the heart rate monitor of his P2 to a dedicated device and also found the P2 was several bmp too high. It’s just after the 15 minute mark. Hope it can be fixed.


I don’t agree with the reviewer, regarding the comfort of wearing it. I am totally used to it and most of the day I don’t notice it’s there.


Same here. I love it.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Believe it. I speak from my own experience THERE IS NO OR INCOMPLETE INSTALLED TTS ENGINE AT FACTORY SETTING. It didn’t work until I reinstalled it. It now works flawlessly. Unfortunately, GOOGLE Assistant does not support Hungarian, but my watch says everything in Hungarian.

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Haven’t read the rest of this thread but…

There is another built in option that may be affecting your font size. Look in Settings > Optimization > Third Party Apps Adapter. IF you have that turned on (as I did for awhile) you will find fonts in many apps very small and hard to read. Turn it OFF and things will be larger and more readable.


I’m still finding it difficult to pin down what affects battery usage. Sometimes it will go for 8 hours (overnight) without losing even 1%. Other times it seems to lose around 10% overnight. And always with everything turned off and in Airplane mode, cleaned and all tasks closed. Any new apps I install I always make sure they can’t run in the background unless I want them to. It seems a bit random at this point. I know user ‘none’ said to use ADB in a previous post to get a complete log file of battery use. That may help but I haven’t tried that yet as the battery has always been good enough for the way I use it. But it’s just a bit odd compared to many cell phones I’ve had / have which seem to be more consistent in battery draw down.

One of the very early vintage Motorola Startac flip phones I owned had a solar cell covered battery for it which I got (battery was on front of the closed phone) The solar cell kept it charged much of the time. I’m suggesting a solar cell covered watch strap for the Prime 2 :grin: :wink:


Thanks @droidtrix, I think that helped. I did try to Big Fonts App which @gyuri recommended and it messed with the watch a little more than I had patience for so I uninstalled it. Kept taking me to a big keyboard install page which was difficult to get past but once I did, it seemed to work okay though after the original install, I was never able to get there again or figure out how to work the App in certain sites or if it happened automatically. As far as system settings is concerned, I haven’t done that yet but I will investigate it @pablo11

So thanks guys.

Another question. Can you recommend an on screen volume adjuster/mute button as I can’t figure out how to adjust/mute music and such, if there is a built in feature.

I try to reinstalled TTS Engine but same problem Google assistant speak very well but install an APP who read the sms/messages dont work : problem with TTS engine…

Use play store helper and check that play services is up to date.
If it is not then update it and update TTS and play store

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The TTS engine and Google Assistant are two separate things.
Have you checked the TTS engine yet?
check its operation
Settings -> System -> Languages & input -> Text-to speech output
Does it work?

Check the TTS engine version number between applications list
For me, it works perfectly.

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Settings -> System -> Languages & input -> Text-to speech output
Does it work? When i do that all items are grayed out.

This is true, but I have seen that Google Play services is not updating automatically and so can cause problems.
Worth checking

Check the TTS engine version number between applications list
For me, it works perfectly.


Ok i’ll try and come back.

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