I’ have try and google play service has been updated but same problem with TTS engine…
I have the same version of TTS engine and when i open it all option are grayed out.
I don’t have a Google assistant on my watch. Maybe that’s the difference. This is the problem for someone with the lemfo 12pro thread. I hope Pablo finds the bug.
Merry Christmas guys. I have the volumes set pretty on the phone and was wondering how ya’ll go about adjusting them as needed. Is there a method within the watch itself or do you use a third party App? An on screen slider wound be ideal.
Also, I installed the floating toucher that @SmartWatch_Ticks has recommended in the past but it won’t open. Keeps giving me (like I’ve seen in a few other App downloads that “it’s made for earlier versions of Android…”). Is it not compatible with Android 10?
I just installed the TTS Engine with same version as gyuri mentioned and all options are grayed out on mine also. Not sure at this time how to even get it to work. Will dig into it a bit.
Even stranger is that now when I open Text to Speech Output in the ‘Languages and Input’ it immediately jumps back to the ‘Languages and Input’ page. Can barely see that it is grayed out now as it’s just a flash. Rebooted but still the same.
Also not finding any Accessibility options so far.
daayum bit too big watch they’ve sent. wearing on my thighs now
Go go Pablo !
I see i’m not alone with this problem now…
I tried installing the app ‘T2S’ which uses Google Text to Speech and that seemed to work for any browser related on screen text. Several options in T2S but it also has ads.
smartwatch ticks recommended “smart touch” on android 10 devices such as the kospet prime 2 due to incompatibilty.
Also, I picked up the KP2 early today, finally … what an absolute beast! merry xmas!
you can use button mapper (can’t guarantee that it works on android 10, but works on 7.1.1 at least)
One of the options of the Smart Touch Pro app R_Sauvalle mentioned is a Volume Control. With the app always available it will open in any screen and allow adjustments to the volume levels.
Anyone having problems with kp2 and its WiFi? I have good reception but poor download speeds… When I say poor, I mean REALLY poor ; 00.03mbit/s or same speed I can whistle at. If I get really close to the router, then it picks up to 20Mbit/s.
This is a great thread for us KP2 owners. I am hoping that Al Rod will modify his super touch range of watch faces for KP2 Some can launch up to 20 or more apps/controls which will resolve some of our collective issues to a degree (inbuilt messenger launcher, camera, volume etc).
Meanwhile I’ve identified an issue with the spare charge cable I got from Ali Express. It has been short changing me the last two nights (i.e since I started using it) and I’m watching my watch charge level cap at 82% then go backward to 80 then up to 81 then back to 80% and currently back to 82%. This doesn’t happen with the original, just this cable. I will let them know and stop using this one in case it is causing a problem in the watch.
I have noticed the workable range is shorter than it was for Prime 1, as I stated before.
Well. It gets the signal well but it won’t actually use the signal. If I take ten steps from the router, WiFi speed (again, not strength) goes to zero.
If you look in the settings for your SSID, change it from random mac address to device Mac address.
Not sure why but that it helps me.
Also set to treat as “unmetered” connection.
Can’t garuntee it will make a difference but it’s worth a try.
it went from 0.01 -> 0.2 to 5Mbit, not bad at all. I’ll check better tomorrow, but it seems to have helped a lot! Thanks mate!
Yes, a lot of routers don’t deal with Mac spoofing very well and the metered / unmetered setting is also not very mature and so should be avoided.
I hope this keeps a steady speed for you now