Kospet Prime 2 Official support UPDATED!

A few language issues have been addressed.
There is no change log.
It is stock branded firmware.


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Hello Dear Pablo11 :bangbang:
First time: happy new year :champagne::clinking_glasses::champagne:
And now just one question: where can I find the new version 2.2 for P2ā“
Thanks in advancešŸ‘
Stay healthy.:crown::mask::syringe::mask::crown:
Best Regards :wink:
Michel56 :man_in_manual_wheelchair:

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As always ā€¦ at the first post. :wink: :wink:

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Hello Dear Gyuri !
I found it, thank you!
You, please have a look at your E-mail box, when you have the time.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards :wink:

Thanks @gyuri,

I thought I had made a mistake but then I saw my post up above :+1:

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Hey guys :slight_smile: greetings from Germany!
iĀ“m searching for some hours now for the FAW-PRIME2 firmware, mentioned in this post International firmware - update from SD Card (No FlashTools) - for KOSPET Prime 2 updated 2021.06.26 Sadly for me, i didnĀ“t find any of the versions left there, exept the stock 1.4 version (maybe i overlooked something :see_no_evil: ).
I even found an old link for the FAW-PRIME2-V1.0_legacy.zip and for the FAW-PRIME2-V1.0.zip https://drive.google.com/file/d/11OmkQZ46478MMMFxQrWfg6FQFCGfPL7C/view?usp=drivesdk and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wcb7zFCCx2UarSHCf9uJdKAqs0Tqv6xF/view?usp=sharing but canĀ“t acces the files.
IĀ“m just interested in the international firmware, because of the possibilities with the wider acces to smartphone-apps, the smartphone-like android-10-settings and I whould love to get rid of the stock bloatware. My current goal is to create a custom whatchface with Nova-Launcher + KLWP + Tasker and use it as my daily system, so IĀ“d be very thankful for the link to the most stable FAW-PRIME2 zip version, there is :upside_down_face:
thanks for Your time and patience, may the lord Jesus Christ bless You all <3

sidequestion: the firmware IĀ“m using right now is the D09_KOSPET_PRIME"_V2.1_20210517. If IĀ“ve read correctly, I canĀ“t flash the FAW-firmware without flashtools with this stock firmware installed on my device, am I right?

Those old versions are not available anymore. But a new version will be available available soon.


No, not correct.
No flashing tools needed.
Itā€™s a local update zip file that can be installed from the watch storage.

You just need to be on factory stock firmwareā€¦ Thatā€™s really the only requirement.
You will need to factory reset after updating.
All will be revealed when I post them.
Just bare with me as I have a few family issues at the moment with another grandchild on the wayā€¦


iĀ“m really looking forward to the new version :heart_eyes:

But take Your time, take care, family goes first! :heart: God bless Your family! :slight_smile:

Congrats on new babyā€¦!!!



Hi, I could do with some advice on the firmware and launcher - yes, I have a Prime 2 and yes, I have read most of this section.
The firmware I have installed is FAW-PRIME2-V1.1 should I use this firmware or another - I canā€™t find the thread I got this firmware from.
How do I get the best firmware?
Iā€™m not concerned about linking with a phone, more as a stand alone device.
I also have watchclockskin installed, but arenā€™t using it as Iā€™m not sure whether itā€™s a good choice because of the higher screen resolution?
Any advice gratefully received.

Maybe 2.1 and not 1.1.
Thatā€™s perfectly good. The latest is 2.2 There is not much difference between 2.1 and 2.2. Some language support has been improved and the Chinese plug-in application has been replaced with ā€œGaofitā€.
You can use any watch face. The faces of the watch are made in 400x400 resolution for this watch as well. The watch is doing the makeover.
By the way, you can find the latest firmware at the top of this page at the end of the first post.

CORRECTION: I apologize to everyone. I was not an attentive reader. I wasnā€™t thinking about the FAW version, but its factory firmware.

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New Faw for prime 2 is not realeased yet right?

The next member who asks this question gets a donkey as their profile picture for a week.


Oh yeah,:+1:
but a donkey can be very curious :rofl::horse::rofl:

A donkey can be also be suspended for a week :horse::horse::horse::horse: Ha ha haā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh, I didnā€™t think soā€¦ :exploding_head::fearful::exploding_head::rofl:
Maybe we should open a separate category for the curious :horse::horse::horse::horse:
Ha,ha, ha :rofl::rofl::wink::wink::rofl::rofl:

Apologies for asking such a problematic question.

I have re-read the forum rules and I have no idea what I have done wrong or what the donkey comments are about?

Whatā€™s the current thinking regarding firmware?

Is it a better idea for me to leave FAW-PRIME2-V1.1 installed or is it better to install the OEM firmware?

Any advice much appreciated.

I think they donkey joke is about people that keep asking for the FAW firmware ETA. Thereā€™s no ETA, it will be ready as soon as possible, thatā€™s all. Thereā€™s info about this all over the forum, yet they still ask the same :man_shrugging:

About the FAW vs OEM, you can keep using your old FAW ROM if it works for you. OEM got almost the same performance since developers from Kospet and this forum are working somewhat together to improve the original firmware.

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You havenā€™t done anything wrong.
Itā€™s just a matter of me being fxxxing hopeless at dealing with my personal life and setting up the firmware release.

Iā€™m almost there, but every time I go to finish it - something happens in my own world.

Just remember, you are only one of many people who ask and all I can do is apologise for my chaos.

I will be making an announcement publicly as soon as I can.
