Kospet prime 2 firmware

I just flashed to stock 1.4 but cant access to apn says not available for this user.
So the question is if I again flash to faw version wil it fix it?

Says invalid scatter file

Just read the original post of the FAW firmware topic, everything you have asked has already explained a few times.


I am so sorry for tons of same questions but couldn’t find answer for 1.1v I mean do I need to download this or version 1.0 is enough(any improvments in 1.1v?)

Maybe I cam answer this question for you since I’ve been flashing custom ROMs since the early days of Android.

What I’ve noticed is developers typically re-release the same firmware with no changes or improvements whatsoever. The only thing that changes in most cases is the build number. :grin:

Almost downloaded 1.1 so should I update?
If this won’t affect badly I’ll update

Currently, it doesn’t matter too much. You can stay on V1.0 and then update to V1.2 once it is released.

Ok than I won’t update till valuable update will be released

Thnx a lot for respond

anny one else get this error during the install

Is it the Optimus and what did you install on it ?

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on prime 2 got it working now if only i could sign in to google

I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you are doing?
This was in the Optimus Pro firmware thread and you clearly have a Prime 2.
What exactly are you doing?

It’s not and it’s chaos…

great job you guys are doing over there @ faw

log in to play store in to my google account

So why did you post in the Optimus Pro firmware thread?
It is totally incompatible firmware?

How about we start with the basics.
Which firmware have you got on your Prime 2 now?

custom build version faw-prime2-v01

after about 5tries it finally took

Well, congratulations…
I am speechless…

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