I've been trying to use assistive touch and it seems to be very good,

I’ve been trying to use assistive touch and it seems to be very good, if I could just get the spot to stop disappearing every time I use it :frowning:

Any ideas ?

Have a look at SmartWatch Ticks profile on YouTube. I seem to remember he used it for a while…

That’s where I found it…
It works well, favourites is very handy indeed - the problem is every time I use it the spot disappears and I have to disable and re-enable it, which makes it useless

There was a trick he had for making it reappear - that’s why I mentioned it. @SmartWatch_Ticks maybe you can remember what I mean ?

Hi, I don’t know - there seem to be about 10 versions of assistive touch in the store - maybe I’ve just got the wrong one ?

I’ve been away on a mini-vacation. I use Floating Toucher (which is like Assistive Touch but way better on minimizing battery drain). It adds something to notifications when you touch and hold the dot to make it disappear. It’s from that notifications that you can reactivate the dot. So check in notifications with Assistive Touch and it might be there as well. Give it a try, and do look into Floating Toucher, too.


@SmartWatch_Ticks that’s the answer I was looking for :slight_smile: Thanks Mr Ticks

Where can I get the mystery shack face that is in some of your videos ?

assitive touch is ver nice also

Is there a way that makes the floating toucher not moving from its position you put it? I mean, sometimes i accidentally drag it in a position in the screen that i cannot see and i have to reinstall it again. Or does anyone know an alternative app that has this feature?

some feature are very nice like
power action shortcut, i can’t this action in floating toucher.

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It can have similar functions. Try this. The full version knows more.

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power action shortcut doe wheel have access to power action shortcut

Didn’t assistive touch work on stock FAW 1.6 optimus2

I used the wheel launcher. Very flexible. (I live the fun folders) I even snagged a few themes for it so I can change the look to match different watch faces.
With it, “back buttons anywhere”, organized drawer, and face complications I have multiple ways to get to all apps and settings without touching a button.

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I have a lem15 with the last stock firmware I installed wheel launcher but when it is masked I get a vertical blue line and it is impossible to view again the wheel,on a samsung tablet it works fine. Do I have to use another launcher ?

I found a solution it works if you sélect the parameter ”shake to open and close”

But as soon as the watch becomes asleep…no more wheel launcher, even if you shake the watch no wakeup,you have to start again the wheel launcher at wakeup…so after pushing the power button …

there is slide gesture in wheel launcher
but i like assistive touch more

Which one ? As there are more than 10 assistive touch application,I trier one on my smartphone xiaomi redmi 9 pro and it budget severely …more than hour to recover the smartphone …


i am using mod sr