Is it possible to download aftermarket watch faces for the Kospet prime 2.

Hi I’m just interested to know if it is possible to download aftermarket watch faces for my Kostpet prime to watch

You can download them from here for free. Under the “Round Android Watchfaces” category.

Connect your watch by USB cable. Under Settings>Connect, Select Transfer Files. This will allow Windows Explorer to see your watch as a drive. Then make a directory called clockskin . Then copy the unzipped files to a separate sub directory for each watchface within that directory.

To use the Universal Launcher faces, you must install it from the link below. Then you can copy .Zip file there.


You are absolutely right. However, I would not download the Universal launcher from the Playstore. the Playstore version will no longer be updated. I would download the latest version diekt here in the forum. Here is the link to the Thread:
-Universal Launcher [Ver. 3.x and above]

Here is the download link:
-ClockSkinCoco-3.5.3.apk - Google Drive