International firmware - update from SD Card (No FlashTools) - for KOSPET Prime 2 updated 2021.06.26

No need for a new zip file.

The problem was the zip file I posted on the 21st of may.

So if you flash back to V1.4 and use the new zip file after… You will be ok


I am asking the firmware team to review the situation but also understand, I made it clear in the first post - this is a choice and the choice is yours.
Please have a little faith and we will sort it out

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Ok, I may have a resolution.
If you can wait for 30 minutes you may not need to use flash tools

Of course I wait. This firmware is great :muscle: and i don’t want to go back to the stock.

Ok if you and @Michel56 and @pawgol can wait for the next few minutes I will see what I can do. :+1:


Yes full flash version has no problem because it is the OTA certificate that caused the problem


I can wait. Just let us know once you will decide that you finished debugging and which way should we go. For me it’s ok if you want me to do some more tests. Thank you for your effort.

So this is the deal - the version for updating all the stock firmware is the legacy version I posted and you flashed.
I should have also posted a version for people that are already using the updated FAW international version. I think this is why it failed for you - but still strange how it worked for people that had flashed the new firmware instead of using the update zip…?


For some additional information:
The upgrade issue happened due to changed certificates, the original ones were quite… outdated.

  • Legacy means the otapackage is signed with the old certificate, this is a workaround to allow upgrades from the original V1.4+ firmware.
  • New means the otapackage is signed with the new certificate, it will be used from now on to allow upgrades within the international firmware.

Thanks mate :+1:
I tested it and it works… So hope it works out for everyone.
Good night.


Thank You :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:
Super work :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:
Best Regards :wink:
Michel56 :fire:🧑‍🦼:fire:

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YEs it worked
Thank you
Great job keep it up

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Update completed :clap::clap:

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Would it be possible to change some of the text ?
I have only seen this one with a problem, so generally it’s very good.

In the power menu, the text to change between square and round screen in Danish reads something like “Change exit”. It took me some time to realise what it was…

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Its better to use english

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This update works as OTA/zip and after upgrade shows alps-mp-q0.mp1-V9.196.1. Big kudos for you. :bowing_man: :+1:

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Could the square/round button be called one of:

“Display ratio”
“Screen ratio”

I like the ratio ones most.

You can install “hidden settings” app and it’s in system but hidden. Night Light (Settings$NightDisplaySettings) and Settings ($Settings$NightDisplaySuggestion)

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I can confirm that now vibration alerts work as in stock firmware.


Thanks for the feedback, we will have a look at this @Dotsfar. As long as it doesn’t break something else - it should be ok.

On a serious note, we are bound by the brands and the solution provider to a large extent.
So we run it past them first if it is a change but mostly they are very flexible.

We must remember that this is not a “custom rom”
This is a collaboration and an exploration into the software requirements of watch users around the world.

Speaking honestly, I am a little surprised by the very low take up in the testing and I think it goes to show that the guys in China seem to be right…
After a long time persuading them that customers need more flexibility in the Google space and more security to pave the way for NFC - it seems we were wrong.

If interest in this project does not improve - it will most likely be shut down, sadly :pensive:

Maybe we were too late, or something… I don’t know.

People are obviously not as concerned about the firmware as we thought.
Or we are too late in the game to make a difference…?

We are trying to cover as many devices as possible in this project, but still the interest is way below the expectation.

I guess we just wait and see.

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