International Firmware Beta [V1.3] (Optimus2, Prime2, LEM12Pro, LEM14, LEM15)

S10 is LEM 14.


Updated the main post with the changelog for Beta3, currently only the Prime2 version, the other devices will follow soon.

On this version a camera toggle was added to the powermenu:


That’s great! I missed it!


Looking good :+1: thanks


Feedback on Prime 2 Beta 3:

Installed over P2B2. Definitely needed to do factory restore after install as Power Button wouldn’t work.

Flipping action works for camera but not video. In addition to flipping camera image for stock camera app, it worked for the “Free Camera” app for photos but also not video. When switching while in the “Free Camera” app in camera mode, a picture must be taken first and then the image flips. After that, further pictures are in the new orientation. Switching back happens instantly. The stuck flip is when going from landscape to selfie orientation. Video on all cameras stays locked in landscape so selfie videos, video logs, etc., are upside-down no matter which orientation is selected. Hope this helps.

Also, if it doesn’t cause a conflict (which it probably does), it’s really nice to have it on the stock camera screen too as it’s much easier to flip orientation there when you open the camera than to tap a button, scroll down, change orientation, and tap out. So if possible to also leave it on the stock camera, please consider it. Thanks.


I think we all understand how simple it is to use the faces of your choice.

I guess it is a choice to remain on the stock firmware for the access to those faces or find and install your own faces.

We will not be adding this because it is just another item that can be achieved by user choice.

It is not “essential”


I used the beta 3 on lemfo lem 12 pro half day: the animations are less fluid but faster.
There are graphical glitches on the keyboard when entering for example auto-fill email addresses (I tried to change dpi to 400) but they do not resolve.
There are translation errors and inaccuracies in the Italian translation (I attach screenshot).
In my opinion, beta 2 worked better. Thanks for the great work. I just wanted to point out what to improve, you are fantastic.

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Like i previously said, the translations a very rough and haven’t been altered yet.
One proposed change is to ‘perfect’ the english translation first and then create the other translation based on that.

Could you provide a screenshot of the keyboard glitch?

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No because it is like a flash behind the top of the keyboard and happens when you use the Google autocomplete in accessing sites or in the mail configuration. I reported this because it was not happening in beta 2.
For the translations I tried to help you by showing you where the capital letters are missing and how it would be better to translate them into Italian. Thanks as always for the prompt answers.

Sorry for the question; would it be possible to have the circular screen mode for the files app and the settings app too?

Apart from some translation errors, please put the function to flip the image back in the stock application. Pressing the power button every time becomes inconvenient. Thank you

Could you please post lem15 B2 again please?

Hi. I have lemfo lem15. I press power button for 2 seconds, quick menu do not show

Hi, Is it possible that the Google Backup is not working with the Beta version (I am currently with B2)? When I do a backup on the watch, I do not see it in Google Drive.

Guys, about the translations…
We are going to need help with this once the base English file is complete.
As @none has pointed out - having a “correct base” English language file is most important because from this, we will be asking for volunteers to help with translating the various languages.

About the camera flip switch - we are trying to find a solution for this problem and it is a very tricky problem…
Please be patient while various options are tested.
The reason why it is so difficult is because it is not the natural flow for a camera in Android.
Normally Android expects a front and rear camera.
We don’t have that.
So we are trying to get a suitable solution without breaking other functionality and causing problems.
In short - it’s bloody hard work.

I think regardless of any name you might see - test it and see if it is working.
Don’t worry about the naming.
If it is working then great.
If it not then we will check again.

I strongly recommend that you make a factory reset.
If that does not work flash back to the stock firmware and test your buttons are working correctly

Regarding your report about the autocomplete behaviour and the keyboard… Could you change the language to English and see if the problem is still there?

About full screen (circular) mode for file explorer and settings app - we can’t do this because it makes the apps almost unusable.

Hi @pablo11,
It is not working. Here is the steps that I do:

  • Enable backup and automatic restore via settings->System->Backup
  • Force a backup: settings->Google->Backup->Back up now button (I see the message “backing up your data” and “Your data is back up”)
  • In Google drive, there is no recent backup (only one done a few weeks ago with FAW1.0)
  • If I delete the Google account from the watch (or factory reset), it never ask to restore a backup during the Google registration, so it is impossible to restore any saved data/configuration.

Is it possible that backup problem is related to the new certificate use in FAW1.1?

reports that the Polish translation is ok, so far you do not need to change anything

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