International Firmware Beta [V1.3] (Optimus2, Prime2, LEM12Pro, LEM14, LEM15)

Maybe bug report.
I’m using 1.3B3 on Lokmat Appllp 4 (Z36).
On 1.2, Heavy Ghost touch on certain porint.
On 1.3B3, Ghost touch happend sometime and, upper half screen touch does not recognized.

this the battery status of my optimus2 i put the watch in battery saver to test battery saver on FAW 1.3
can someone tell me is my watch giving the good backup

That is a problem with the touch panel driver and it happens when using stock firmware as well.

Last charge 9pm 30 August…
You need to let it fully discharge and see how long it takes to get there.

yes i charged at 9pm and then put it on battery saver.

Ok cool.
Let’s see how it goes.
By the way, if you still have problems with button on your watch then you should contact or Banggood… Depending where you purchase from.

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no sr after international FAW i don’t need button

thank you for the nice FAW

Ok, no worries.
Glad you are enjoying it :+1:

sr is that possible to add a scanner app with new FAW

is there any solution?
I found that touching inside to outside edge immediately revoke this ghost touch.

Hi, thanks for all your hard work. I have been using the latest Beta on my Braven Pro without any issues and enjoying my watch more than ever. Have a great day.

I flashed LEM14 to FAW1.3B3. After the firmware, it gave an error like “… keeps stopping”. After restarting, the device stopped responding, and does not connect to the computer. I can’t flash with flash_tool. What to do?

you had done wrong you have to factory reset there when you got error
is there way to hard reset

try button combination like mobile


sr the texts are clear now on google assistant dat was happened because of the dark theme. :relieved:

The google assistant is not working on lock screen. 🥲

Have you granted permission for notifications allowed on lock screen?

I’m actually curious why you are using a lock screen?

I must admit it something that I have never done in the 6 - 7 years I have been working with watches…

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Switching back to 1.2 again. Even though I was able to get Universal Launcher working with FAW1.3, two other issues plaguing me now are deal breakers:

  1. Battery usage is terrible, even after over a day of usage. I’m losing about 5-6%/hr where I was losing only 2.5-3%/hr on FAW 1.2. Basically double. :frowning:
  2. The steps counters are completely broken showing crazy numbers on UL. No way did I walk 1300 steps today for 1.3 miles (not to mention that’s humanly impossible to do :stuck_out_tongue: ). I’ve been at my desk most of the day.
  3. The tilt-to-wake seems a bit wonky again here as well…

I haven’t had time to investigate the battery issues, I just need a working watch for the day today.


is 1.2 stable?

Yes, it is.


1.2 is the most stable for me on LEM14.

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