I need someone with a LEMT/Ticwris Max "D" variant

Good night everyone,

as some of you might now, I’m part of the OpenWatch Project team. We work together to bring new features and custom firmwares to our watches.

Right now, we’re working on Android 10, although Android 11 is quite close and will be quite easy to port once it’s here.

I need one or two people that own the D variant of the Ticwris Max watch, and are willing to test Android 10 on them (it wipes all the watch, so a bit of flashing knowledge is required).
In order to do so, I need to know the LCM name that the “D” variant has. This can be obtained easily from the “Device Info HW” app, found on the google play store, although I’m not sure if root is required.

If anyone is willing to help, please post a reply to this topic.

I already own a LEMT non “D” variant, so help from those users is not required!

Thanks for your time,


Up! (Sorry for the spam, but I do need this to be able to test the builds)

i have an tmax but how i know if its an D variant.
just in case the the LCM on mine is lk_hx8379c_480X640_dsi.

my email is cruzmoises1981@gmail.com

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Look at your FW version, if it finishes with a D or not.

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Yep, that’s the D variant!

Thanks :slight_smile:

MY LEM T Arrived, and it’s D variant
I upload device specs here

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Here is the FW for D variant

I am uploading the Ticwris versions as well - there are 3 screens for the MAX …


3 screen for one model, that’s insane.
anyone who cross flashing their firmware will have problems, especially since in YT there’s running ticwris firmware on lem t

It’s actually a lot better than it used to be…
I’ve seen an IQI I4 have 5 different screen types…

Let’s hope it stops at 3… :+1:

yeah let’s just stop at 3 :sweat_smile:
it’s shame that D firmware doesn’t have face unlock. if it’s just have 1 screen across DM100 variants then I wouldn’t worry :grin:

Wait, what? 3 screens? I thought there were only two!

The ones I know of are:

  • lk_hx8379c_480X640_dsi
  • lk_st7701S_480X640_dsi_vdo
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On the current LEMT-D kernel there are just two display drivers assembled.



So the third screen just applies to the Ticwris firmware?

whoa, so two people have lem t D and tmax D variant in this thread both with different screen, how much the odds lol :roll_eyes:

EDIT: If I doesn’t get it wrong, the V1 have OLED screen when V2 have a-Si TFT?

None of these are oled…

I thought v1 is oled since in mr tick review it says oled

I don’t know why he would say that - but no - they are all IPS - TFT.

I will share the Ticwris MAX firmware as soon as it’s uploaded.

Just confirmed with wiitee - both LEM T and MAX use 3 different screen types.

One firmware type can work with both other screens - not the D variant - which needs a different version.

So if the device has a D at the end of the version number it requires the particular D type firmware.
The other two screen types work with a single non D firmware as it has both drivers.

Since the firmware is build from scratch, I want to suggest the rom if possible is x64. I believe many of LEM T user in this forum have 3/32 and benefit for x64 compared to x86 version will be great.

It is x64.
No future for x86

Great, and now I am very eager to test it. Even if it’s an alpha version :star_struck: