I found a way to create and install custom watchfaces to KW88 default launcher.

@Mirko_Genovese Here you go:

@Smash_Smashin I will do my best but it is for a 1.3" screen…And uses a completely different framework to these watches.

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 I just want to take a look, so if possible - share it, please. Is FINOW’s launcher usability better?

No - it’s just the face engine that’s better. Otherwise the Sinsoft launcher wins hands down for notifications …
Give me a a few minutes and I’ll upload the latest version. Don’t forget it contains almost no clock sckins at all as they are stored in an external folder called Clockskin.

Here you go https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3xyOuab2f-OamR5WkljcnVQVEU/view?usp=sharing

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 ​ Thank you! I will have a look.

Sorry for beeing a noob compared to you guys but >>if I understand it well it means we have to figure out where the KW88 launcher looks for the clockfaces (in what directory) so we can take a look in there to see how the build is for every watch and then we can also apply those rules to a new clockface and put it in the same directory for it to work?

Is it possible to flash firmware from an identical wacht (x5??) or is it a matter of finding the right launcher?

I bow to you guys for working on this …many many thanks

@Martin_Nijhuis built in watcfaces are inside the stock launcher app (Watchnew.apk). They consist of image resources as well as dedicated code for each watchface to draw the screen. Additionaly there is an extra code providing a possibility to add watchfaces in the way I have described. This launcher has not built-in functionality to scan folders for watchfaces as in FINOW or No.1 watches.

It’s not possible to extend built-in launcher’s functionality to add ClockSkin folder scan functionality without rooting the watch. And this is something I don’t want to do (I mean to root my watch). Rooting the phone is like taking your pants off. Any malicious peace of code hidden in any app will make you “happy”. And rooting watches is not for regular users.
Maybe we, the community, should start bothering SinSoft to implement this functionality in their next update.

we are onto sinsoft already. I am drafting a detailed proposal to them right now. They are mainly concerned about the security of their design and software. If you have a look around here you will see I have dropped their contact details around a few times. In the hope that as many people as possible email them and express their displeasure at having a locked down watch face engine…
It will be a while before they respond though I suspect and they keep saying “we’re working on it” when asked about it…

@Pablo_Eleven_Pablo11 I could take a look at the proposal before you send it to SinSoft. Any API, similar to the one they have started, will be very limiting, even if they fix all the bugs and implement the API as described in the document you previously shared.
There must be a possibility to draw the face from code, located in external APK (like a widget) in order to build non-standard watchfaces.
Although implementation of non-standard watchfaces will require development skills, at least it will be possible and, with few examples, people will learn to make them really fast.

@Smash_Smashin Maybe stupid for to bring this up again, but seeing the samples Sinsoftech provided (you got them from Pablo11) and reading there small explanation …and then looking at your Starttrek apk which we all use now to add simply clockfaces …>>>> isn’t it possible to alter this same startrek apk so it contains only the digital clock components and png’s ?

I don’t get why I can’t just add date and such …its in their explanation ,its in the bool.xml to be turned on/off , its even in their samples .
Why can’t I make a apk of their samples to try on the kw88 that way.

AAARGGHHG …to many questions …I know to little of java,TDK or even Android for that matter.

Sorry if you think this rubbish but I got to take my thoughts somewhere :wink:

I understand. It is intensely frustrating.

@Smash_Smashin where can i find the watchnew.apk?

Thanks to Benoit Schweblin from http://Classeur.io English version is restored.
He also mailed me the Spanish version, but it doesn’t look well formatted, so if somebody wants to fix it and then place it behind English version - feel free to do it.

Spanish version:

Backup of English version: