Google+ post by Bart van der Linden on 2018-01-29 12:32:50 UTC

looks really cool - will you be doing different colours?

cool, i´am waiting :slight_smile:

So cool …waiting

hmmmzz, I think we have a problem people… it’s not possible in wfd so I have to think about a different solution. WFD can’t handle images that big off centre

@Bart_van_der_Linden Yes. You can build in Clockskinmaker.

@zsolt_m that looks interesting but at the moment I don’t have windows on my Mac.

If somebody else wants to make it I can upload the psd file

Possible to made in CSM…will be one behemoth. Need 2000*2000 px rotate scales :smiley:
I just made example…

yep, 2000 px for the numbers. problem is the -X and -Y position. maybe I can edit the .xml myself

@Marco_Ferreira ​ Can you help on WFD ?

Very nice!!!

I also did something similar but a bit different here:
The line and the background rotate.

I’ve also tested the limits and found that you can’t go much beyond 4000*4000 or the watch will run out of memory. My panoramas use a big rotating image here:

oke, i have some progress… I just don’t get the logic behind WFD. I’m testing now and need some finetuning.

stay tuned

There’s no logic behind WFD :slight_smile:

Really, the imposed limits are there just to make the sliders workable… I can increase those limits, if you wish…

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@Bart_van_der_Linden It’s possible to do it with clockskinmaker. I have a working black version here. But it was hard to build the scale in The minutes are still missing.
missing/deleted image from Google+

@Bart_van_der_Linden the download link is wrong. of cause, a nice face, but another one…
:wink: Folder is named VDL1…

adjusted… sorry

I have trying it and looks great!!! congratulations. Could it be with the background in black and numbers in withe? and could you add the number of steps below the line where the date is?
Thank you!!

super thank you my only problem is that the time zone is not on Paris and the time is back instead of advancing