"Gboard for WearOS" is their a modified version available/ compatible with LEMFO/KOSPET?

I’ve been using GBoard from Play Store instead of stock Android Keyboard (AOPS) app on my Kospet Optimus 2 and have few issues with it:
Due to the round shape of the smartwatch, GBoard doesn’t fit screen, even with smallest size options.

As you can see from the image, it cuts off the backspace key and the shift key.

Is there a version of the G Board from WearOS that’s compatible with LEMFO/Kospet smartwatches?

Set to “floating mode”


I have not used the stock keyboard at all on my Optimus 2 I have only used the Gboard because I have done too much typing on it to struggle with the stock one. It’s easier if you set the keyboard to a square floating then pull it down to the bottom of the screen with the bottom arrow button. You can find the floating option in the Gboard’s theme settings. … Just be sure you uncheck it in the optimization app or it will automatically turn off when you reboot.

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Hello. You are right about this. I experienced the same problem. At the end, I preferred the square hour to the round.

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how can i set float mode

What can done?

when the keyboard opens, before you start typing, there is three dots in the upper right corner of the keyboard, between the cogwheel and the microphone. after clicking these three dots, the button for turning on floating is in the bottom right corner