FAW International Firmware Beta Testing Project - is Back!

Ok people.

If you are genuinely interested in Beta Testing please send an email to rascmoderators@gmail.com to express your interest.

Please be clear that this is not a public Beta.

When you are accepted and given the opportunity to participate, you will be able access the project.

If you are expecting to be able to use the testing firmware as a daily firmware, this is not for you.!!

This is a serious attempt to achieve a new, stable firmware which will be released on the forum in a new thread when it is ready.

Previous versions are not available!!

You need to have at least “member” status to join the program. This is level 2 forum membership. Some exceptions to this may be possible on a case by case basis.

To be eligible for the program you should be familiar with the processes of flashing and updating without the need to ask questions.

It is a sad day for us to have to make these restrictions, but we learnt a lot from the last experience.

There are rules in place when you access the Beta Testing thread so please read them.

People who drift away from the guidelines or do not leave feedback will be removed from the program.

We look forward to a successful project this time.


FAW Staff Team.

PS - As this is an announcement replies are disabled.
Comments can be made here:
FAW Beta Firmware Project - General - Full Android Watch