Android 11 is here! Lokmat APPLLP 2&4 Pro and LEM16 Z40 models

About the backup, I don’t know of any apps capable of backing up app data without root, and rooting Android 11 is quite tricky indeed.

XDA is probably the best place to research that process. We don’t really discuss it here because too many mistakes are made and watches end up losing their IMEI information or bricked.

I use SMS Backup and Restore for messages and call history.
Apart from that, I don’t use any backup at all.

As for the OTA, you will all know when I do.
Currently all they have told me is that they are working on it. (the factory - not the brands)
You will get a notification on the watch as soon as it’s available.


Dear, my first Smartwatch was a Lemfo Lem X, and the truth was that it was fantastic, the Hardware and the Firmware are well calibrated.
But then I have noticed that the following models of Lemfo Lem, lack quite a bit of polishing the Firmware. Why is this due?
I have bought Smartwatch from other brands and the truth is that I never had to factory reset a Smartwatch that I just bought, and the Firmware works perfect, which makes the use of the Smartwatch easy, pleasant, and intuitive.
Lemfo Smartwatches are put up for sale before verifying that things work well. It already happened to me with Lemfo Lem 14 and 15.
It’s a shame since they are beautiful Smartwatches, with very powerful hardware, but with a Firmware with several things to adjust, something that should be reviewed before putting them on sale.
It is my humble personal opinion. Greetings.


Surely you have bought devices before where improvements become available and you need to update ? . As for factory resetting after a update its not required but advised . Dont forget these devices are cheaper than Samsung / Apple etc so you wont get a " polished product " for this price at first . Android 11 is new and needs a little work which will be sorted very soon :+1:


Got the free BT watch today. Incredible how many features they can make for such a price :+1:


It was a very generous offer from our partners Lemfo :+1:


Regarding the LEM16, I have now twice had it say that WiFi connection failed and ask me to reenter the WiFi password as if it was forgotten… Never happened with my other FAW.


The free BT watch came with the LEM 16 today. For those who qualified for the free BT watch you may receive them together.


@Dr_Andy_Vishnu is there any risk for data loss (app data or files) if a factory reset is not immediately performed after an OTA update? Sometimes there won’t be enough time to conduct a factory reset right away then reconfigure all the apps. It may be a week later.

Thank you @pablo11 for the guidance. While I did sign up over at XDA, just wanted to affirm that is so much more helpful!
I just received the LEM 16 today. It feels more polished than the Rogbid Air. It even allows a AT&T MVNO, Redpocket connection where my Rogbid Air had been blocked.


factory reset will erase all data and settings. If you don’t reset it, it will remain in case of an OTA update. However, not resetting after an OTA can cause problems.


Never seen this issue.
I always set it to automatically reconnect and then set as unmetered connection.
If you have a certain router it may need wifi privacy settings changed to “device MAC” and not “random” on the watch Wi-Fi connection settings.


No . There will be no data loss until you factory reset


Got the free BT watch today. Nice one, my husband was happy to have it on her wrist… Thanks to the Forum and Lemfo.


Great stuff :+1::+1::+1::+1:

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@pablo11, thank you for the Genymobile / scrcpy tip. MyPhoneExplorer is clunky compared to this. It is so nice that text copied on the desktop gets copied to the phone. Really helpful when setting up the phone with accounts that have passwords made with random ASCII characters.
It will be easy to use scrcpy on work computers since it is lightweight and does not require administrative privileges to run.

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@G1NT0N1C and @Dr_Andy_Vishnu, thank you for the clarification on waiting to reset the phone. Android 11 is indeed a lot more restrictive.

The watch has a very bad way of handling low battery. When the battery gets low enough for warnings, it prevents the display from sleeping, by issuing a battery notification every time the display switches off. This greatly accelerates power consumption, when almost no power is left, as we all know the display is one of the biggest power consumers.
Video of the battery notification loop


Can you turn off Battery warning?

  • Choose “Notifications” to reveal a list of all the different categories of notifications created by the System UI app.
  • Find the checkbox next to “Battery” and simply tap it to disable notifications.

Thanks, good idea. I will try that out👍


Unfortunately I can’t find which app has the battery notification, there is no System UI in the watch OS.