Android 11 is here! Lokmat APPLLP 2&4 Pro and LEM16 Z40 models

I thought he had just purchased an APPLLP 2 pro which is just like the LEM 16.
A Z40 model.
I think he was referring to the older watch he had which was the SE…
But I could be wrong…lol


We shall see lol :grin:

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Thank you very much for your help and advice. I have already tried the WatchDroid application with my old KW98 watch. I am waiting for Lokmat Appllp 4 pro to arrive, but unfortunately, instead of sending the watch, Banggod keeps showing the estimated shipping date one day later every day. I ordered it on April 20th, then they promised that it would be delivered by May 10th. Today, the order information says: Estimated to ship before May 31, 2024. Could it be that they no longer manufacture the Lokmat Appllp 4 pro?

If it was not available, you would not have been able to to purchase it.
Sounds like a post or customs issue to me.
But, I have to say that we have no idea about sales, delivery etc…
Hope it arrives soon :+1:

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Dunno, official Lokmat seller in aliexpress have enough stock to fill up a little town with their watches if they wanted :sweat_smile: So that’s probably something about banggood warehouse

The strange thing is that Banggod constantly changes the price of this watch, advertises sales, gives discounts, but does not deliver. When I first ordered this watch, it was priced at $270 USD. It was not shipped, the expected shipping date was continuously increased by one day every day. Then they advertised a sale, dropped the price to $210, and promised a much earlier delivery date on the main website than what was listed in my order details… I then canceled the order and requested a refund. I received the refund. I bought a Xiaomi Watch 2 Pro, but with this one, the SIM is not available when the watch is connected to my phone via bluetooth. So later I ordered the Lokmat Appllp 4 Pro again. At that time, the price was 210 USD. But they don’t shipping. Every day they promise a expected shipping date one day later. Now they have raised the price to $300 USD and are promising an earlier delivery date than my order. On Aliexpress, Lokmat Appllp 4 Pro is priced between $370 - $480.
Anyway, I’ll keep waiting…

I must admit that I have always had problems with Banggood and I only buy from the brands these days.
Banggood is slightly cheaper but almost always hassle :confused:

FAO @Attila_Baté
I don’t respond to personal messages so please ask questions on the forum in future.
I’m glad your problem is fixed :+1:

I’m new to these android watches. I got a Z40 smartwatch but the only problem I have now is that the whaatsapp calls doesn’t ring unless I go into the app once. And as soon as the phone goes to sleep it stops ringing again. Will using your steps help or is it any other issue.

Yes it will help because there is a stock app which is designed to kill all activities when screen goes off.
So follow the guide to disable this. :ok_hand:

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Is there a way to completely disable Pulse/VO2 tracking?
The sensors on the back of the watch are firing even when there is no active fitness tracking.

If you don’t need it at all, you can disable the Fitness app by using ADB.

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Thanks for the guide it worked for me.

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Your welcome :+1:

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@ G1NT0N1C

Would that stop the sensors from firing?

What’s the name of the correct fitness app, something like:

./adb shell pm disable com.wiiteer.gaofit

You have to use the app named package nam viewer to find out the exact name of the app, because there are different apps on different devices.


To be honest with you, I have not found any way to prevent the sensors from producing data.
Regardless of removing apps, they continue to be active in the background.
Disabling them would require a new build from source, and unfortunately I can’t invest the time needed for this.


I decided to dig out and blow the dust off of my LEM16.

I just factory reset it.

I wanted to know if anyone here could tell me their preferred apps/settings to get the most out of the clunky watch (that I will still enjoy tinkering with)?

I am about to re-install WatchDroid but am looking forward to any and all suggestions for someone interested in trying to use this as a daily wear.

For my Case.
Only Join from jaoapps and vysor
With Sim without WiFi and Bluetooth IT Take 24hours included 4,calls and s Lot of Messages from Join
Best regards


Sweet, thanks to Smartwatchticks I got organizer drawer to launch while in Sport Mode!

Okay so, does anyone know if there’s a way to get rid of that useless “clean task” button? Thank you.