A new watch is needed, after the summer... What to buy now?

Truesmart :joy::joy: Happy days . I may have told you about this . Ordered one at it arrived , next day another one , following day another one and the next day another one :joy::joy::joy: . Paid for one got four :+1::+1: . Made a fortune on ebay

Happy days :+1:

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Happy idiots unfortunately…
They (like many kick-starters) are always spouting amazing ideas and completely forget that they are dealing with the manufacturing confines of Shenzhen…

Completely screwed up for many people :disappointed_relieved:

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No reflection on you @Dr_Andy_Vishnu obviously…
But that is just another example of how insane many of these projects are

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Although very exciting at the time :joy::joy:

Absolutely… It was like bees to honey at that time

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Putting an amp meter directly across a Lithium ion battery like this might be a bit dangerous. Depending on the meter they can produce nearly a dead short to a battery. Also batteries are rated in milliamp hours so simply putting an ammeter across one won’t tell you much except how much current it is capable of in a short burst. This would possibly be dangerous to the battery and to you! To measure milliamp hours (mah) you need to put a resistor across the battery with a value that will draw only a reasonable mah for that battery and then use a timer to see how long it lasts.

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Agree. I have a USB inline volt/amp meter that records the amount of current flowing and the amount of charge a battery accepts during the charge cycle in mah. I have found it to be sufficiently accurate during multiple charging cycles.USB tester

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Dont worry, I am an expert on this. I do this on a regular basis.

Check the picture. That battery is a Samsung battery, I bought it for a friend and checked it is capacity. It was excellent and gave it her without returning to the seller.


@Jonathan_Bickel - I agree those are great to have and I’ve got several - also most of them are quite inexpensive. I’ve gotten some as cheap as $2 a piece. Good to have but they don’t tell how much mah a battery can provide which requires what I described above and a quick calculation after you’ve run a test for some hours.

That is an option. But It is not accurate as discharging the battery directly.

I will buy one too:-)

I suspect we are getting a bit off topic here. PM sent watermelon

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Any idea of screen size / resolution?

Of which model?
Sorry, this thread is all over the place :frowning:

“There will be a new square watch from Ticwris called Max S.”

Ah I see.
They have not announced the screen size or type yet.
I will let you know when they have told me :+1:


I am one of “those people” who only wants to tether to their phones. Can anyone recommend a non-phone smartwatch with the same dimensions as any of the round faced watchphones? (1.6" minimum + HD) i can’t find any in banggood, or lazada. The largest I can find is 1.3" with 360x360

Why don’t you check out the Smartwatch Ticks YouTube channel?
We are all about Full Android Watches which are not what you want by the sound of it.
His channel is very good and covers all watches and tethering bands etc etc…

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IR is being phased out on many devices.
That is something that probably is not going to happen.

I think IR falls into a fad that companies don’t think we want anymore, but don’t realize that we really need. With all the electronic devices that we have that need remotes…you know?