A few questions about LEM T and more

Hello, I’m new here. I have a question, I don’t know if it was still there. My English is average, it’s hard to find information. question:
Can LFMO LEM T be carried out from Ticwris software to have better timers and options?
Or is it better to buy Ticwris Max immediately instead of Lem T?
I also found JingTider s999 supposedly better Android 9, 64 GB Rom and 4 GB RAM. I found you about the last model, you wrote with a stolen model from another company that there is no support.
I live in Poland, there are no such gadgets here, and I noticed you know each other and you can trust your judgments. Hence my request for help. Sorry for the grammar, I helped myself with a translator. I care about a big screen, so I would like to buy one of these models.


Yes you can flash Ticwsris FW to LEMFO T see this :

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We do not recommend the Android 9 models…

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Someone used both? Ticwris or Lem T which is better? It’s hard for me to decide … Like the same?

The Hardware is identical.

Sorry, but they have any differences? Can you say “yes, this one is better”?

Once again, these watches are identical. Same components, same quality, build in the same factory: identical.
About the firmware: I don’t have this watch, so I can’t help you in this point. But you’ll found them all here in the forum.

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I would just go for the cheaper one

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