Just like to start this thread mostly to provide some information and seek advise as well…
I recently noticed that my Thor Pro battery started to discharge very quickly, the watch is about less than 6 months old and since I bought it off Aliexpress… there is no warranty as so to speak.
The battery will discharge itself even when the watch is completely powered off. And when it charges up to 100%, it drops like 60 to 80% in a short period of 15 to 20 minutes when powered on and idling.
During charging, I can feel the watch getting Hot… not enough to burn… but definitely warmer than when you are having a High fever kind of hot. (I know it relative)
What I really want to bring to attention is… I open up the watch and took the battery out… Here is what it looks like
so here I probably just want to warn that I believe if you keep charging and discharging the battery… it will come a point where the “carbon dioxide” (gas) could break package and cause a short between the anode and cathode of the Li Ion to cause a burning… (it fairly well documented why a lithium ion can get bloated like this… just google it)
One of the key cause of “bloating” is deep discharge… hence it always good to keep you watch battery charged and maintain a high % battery level, like all Li Ion powered device… Not really possible for a watch like this… but do watch out.
Now back to wanting to replace this Li Ion battery… Using a vernier… I figure out that the batter is about 30 X 28 x 6mm max… the questions I have now is
Do any one know the exact size? mine is bloated and I can't really figured out now except that it should be smaller than 30 x 28 x 6mm
There are quite a lot of 400mAh ones rated at 3.7V on aliexpress... the one I have is 580mAH at 3.8V. I suppose it wouldn't really matter except that it hold less charge. There are 500mA ones as well on aliexpress for the size I am looking for. Any one know where else can I buy these beside Aliexpress
The one used in Thor Pro seem to be a 3 wired type, whereas a lot of those sold are 2 wired. I suppose I can take the same Thor circuit and flex and solder it on another new Li Ion by removing the original circuit and cable. But anyone have more information on it? (see picture below)
Well, appreciate if anyone have any more information on the battery before I purchase and experiment with it.
Ok, based on the number on the package… 503028… it seem to indicat 30 X 28mm battery with a thickness of 5mm I think…
You can try contacting zeblaze @: service@zeblaze.com to see if they will sell you another battery. They sold me just the straps for my Thor Pro last month.
Oct 23, 2018 15:57:27 GMT 1sully008 said: You can try contacting zeblaze @: service@zeblaze.com to see if they will sell you another battery. They sold me just the straps for my Thor Pro last month.
most likely some kind of usage caused this and it just can’t happen just like that, this kind of battery you can find on aliexpress and alibaba like this one:
just make sure the seller send you the right picture of what you want and that it suits in size your watch, the picture that he sends you is important if that wo’nt be what he should have sent you for any refund or replacement issues.
Been a little busy lately, so the slow response.
Thanks for all the link Sonia.
Infact, I have to applause Zeblaze after sales support… When I wrote to them, they responded promptly. They do have spares somewhat for these Zeblaze branded product, just that something like battery cannot be shipped as they mentioned to the country I am in. (well, not as loose pieces… as in 1 to 2 pcs)
Anyway, I got the battery and have it ship to somewhere/one in China whom I know and have it later sent to me. Tedious method to get just 2 pcs of battery, but well, at least the watch can still be used.