Which firmware update do I Use for my Prime2

Hi can you help me, my watch is a Prime2 with a build number of D09_Kospet_Prime2_V2.1
I don’t know what firmware update to use you’re help would be appreciated.

V2.1 is already the newest official firmware version.

If you are looking for an alternative firmware you can take a look at this thread:


Thanks I’ll check it out and figure out how to load it, because with the version 2.1 I have right at the moment the weather app does not even work. And I would like to have that thanks.

The international firmware is a complete from the ground-up remake with just the absolute necessary applications included to retain compatibility.
It is more focused on a simplistic and more functional exterior with less consideration for the typical round screen layout.
Not everyone likes that, so it is mostly a case of preference.


Okay I have no idea what I have done wrong. I opened up Google Chrome and went to of course full Android watch.org to download the new firmware version, that all went fine. So now I follow the directions I opened up my download folder and the new version was sitting there. But first I turned off Bluetooth and wireless update and went down to my build version of course and opened up wireless update. So like I said I followed the directions The watch does a reboot and starts to download the version, and they’re the little Android guy shows up with the symbol underneath them error. So I don’t know what I’ve done wrong. Help me please

You need to flash V1.0 first, otherwise it won’t work due to the diffing certificates.


Thank you so much it works. So much better.