Where do i find a Power Bank?

Anybody knows where i can buy a power bank for the lemfo lem 14? have searched far and wide and cannot seem to find them in the chinese stores? any ideas? thanx

This is the one I bought for mine, works perfectly.
[Smartwatch Chargers 2200mAh Charging Compartment Smart Watches With Android USB Socket Charging Line For Rogbid Rollme LEMFO|Smart Accessories| - AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001926569597.html?spm=a2g0s.12269583.0.0.62854f55voMPmh)

Price and delivery will depend on your country.


This is the last LEMFO 4G smart watch Accessories charger 2022 power bank for LEM16 LEM14 LEMP LEMX LEM10| | - AliExpress


Four times more expensive that variant!!!

I’m sure you can shop around on your own


That’s a nice size, do we know whether it is compatible with e.g. LEM14 Pro :crossed_fingers:

Yes it is :+1:

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Silly me, it was my A11 LEM16 I wanted to ask whether the power bank is compatible. But with your reply to this we now have the answer for 2 watches :ok_hand:
The bundled one with the watch has much smaller capacity, so this would help.

I’m sure i have one somewhere . I will check and let you know


The answer is no . If you wiggle it around it sometimes connects but its a pain . I would avoid


Thanks for trying it out - will avoid then.

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