What is a good watch face designer site for non android wear watches

what is a good watch face designer site for non android wear watches. I have a lemfo lem6 that i want to design a face for

There are 2 tools you can use. Watchface Designer (WFD) and Clockskinmaker (CSM). The 1st one you’ll find on our proboard forum (link in the main community description),for the 2nd one use Google. If you need a picture freeware, you can use Gimp or http://paint.net.

I have tried watchface deisgner but its just a few templates. I can’t add customized images

@G1NT0N1C where is the main community description

@Nathan_turley-knight https://plus.google.com/u/0/112956058667570598758/posts/P8WyofF2SEQ

Hi - I am new here and the Lemfo LEM15 is on order for delivery in a week or two.
I am a little confused - people are recommending Watch Face Designer for full Android watches, but when I look at the Play store for Watch Face Designer it says it is specifically for WearOS watches. Am I missing something? Is there a conversion app to convert WearOS watch faces into faces that work on FAW ?
Sorry if this question seems naive - I am naive in this area!
Thanks for any tips.

Here we go . This is for your pc

We have a whole thread dedicated to this in this forum and also check out our youtube videos on our main page

Welcome :+1:

Yay I installed java sdk on my Chromebook Linux and WFD is working fine. Looks pretty simple to use from the videos.

Thank you so much. Everyone here seems friendly and welcoming!
I am probably just unfamiliar with this site and finding my way around. For example, you said “main page” but I can’t see any YouTube video links at https://discourse.fullandroidwatch.org/ so I assume you are pointing me to the YuTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPt33KEKqPJfxFTf7CaKcFw/
I will definitely subscribe to the channel and browse the videos.
Thanks fr the link to the designer… being a jar file sounds hopeful - it may be OS agnostic so may run on my main Linux box or in my ChromeOS linux container :smiley:

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Anyone having issues with high dpi displays can force upscaling of Watch Face Designer by setting the GDK_SCALE environmental variable (I am using Linux on my Chromebook and this works for me). I run the Java JAR file with this command:
GDK_SCALE=2 java -jar WatchFaceDesigner\ v0.14.2\ beta.jar

In fact I have created a little shell script with this command and now the text in the Java application is readable without a magnifying glass (on my Pixelbook).

Hope this helps somebody :slight_smile: