Wear watchface on our Android watches

How can we use android wear watchfaces on stock launcher?

It’s a bit tricky since you need to extract the watchface APK from the “original” APK (the one you would download from the PlayStore) and then install it. Then it just shows up as a regular watchface :slight_smile:

For example: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.genggao.spaceandtime


Cool Got what i need to do…thanks a lot

I had NO IDEA that this is working! Great! How you figured out that this is working???


I was reading the launcher source code (which I decompiled) and I noticed that it was looking for some Android Wear watchfaces… So I thought I might just try it, and it worked!

Haha yeah!
An APK file is just a .zip file with a different extension. Inside of it there are different folders, and the real watchface apk is found in “res/raw/android_wear_micro_apk.apk”


You install this, cross your fingers and hope it works… Some of them are looking for the companion phone app and won’t work.


Unbelivable news. Well, I didn’t understand exact how to change an .watch file to an apk, but I will figure it out.

Wooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooo working on my kospet optimus pro with thor 5 image


No, it’s not a .watch file!

If i’m not mistaken, a .watch file is specifically for WatchMaker Watch Faces
(or something like that, I don’t remember).

What I’m using is standalone watchfaces that you can download from the PlayStore, with a normal .apk extension. Inside them, you will find the other .apk which you need to install.

Can we do this for all Android wear watch faces??

Not for all, only the ones that will work without the companion app on the phone.

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Yes, but most of the apk faces from the playstore are created as watchfile. So there will be an (more or less) easy way to create an APK from a watchfile, I guess…

This won’t install on my Les2

Isn’t the LES2 running Android 5? That could be the issue!

If I understood Iscle correctly, he just made that discovery. Give him the time he needs to clarify more details. He will let us know what he finds out. Everyone can check the previous findings for themselves and continue research. But it makes no sense to bomb him with individual questions now.


i installed around 20 android wear faces…and my observations are that… only those ones work which do Not have any complications like change color etc

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Guess I’m naive, but - since dates for the moon phases are permanently programmed in all stock launchers - why can’t the xml file I originally requested be constructed which would rotate the png images I have prepared?

The problem is not to create such an xml - you could even do that yourself. The problem is that you need a new stock launcher that can handle your new araytype as well. And 28 pictures does not give a precise moon phase, so another solution is needed. In short - forget it.

I’ve discovered that some Wear watchfaces were supported back on December. But that was the time I had to “leave” for a while, so I did not get to report it. From my findings back then, if I remember correctly, no interaction is possible (as well as complications). I’ve even implemented three-in-one “wear” watchface that would interpret clockskins (oh, the irony) emulating the original Finow engine, the new(er) Kingwear engine and Universal Launcher engine. I have it running on my Android Wear and on my AllCall W2. It was a proof of concept so it’s not really finished, but works pretty good both on wear devices and on my AllCall W2…
This works only on the new(er) KingWear engines from Android 7.1, I believe. To make it work on my AllCall W2 (which is Android 7.0), I hacked a Lemfo LEM X engine into it (that’s the only one I could find at that time I could hack).


Oh, and by the way, no “ambient mode” either…